Chapter 20: Family day out

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Sherlock's POV:

"Wakey wakey, John." I whispered, my lips brushing his ear slightly.

John shivered at the feeling and his eyelids fluttered open. He stretched out his arms and yawned.

"Morning Sherlock. Maybe sleeping on the sofa wasn't the best idea for my shoulder and back, they're killing me now." John moaned.

"Oh stop moaning, John. You know you enjoyed it really." I teased him and kissed his nose gently.

I carefully climbed over John, pulling a blanket with me to cover myself up in case Harvey was up.

"Come on get up and get dressed before we give Harvey the shock of his life."

"Well to see his poor little face would be pretty funny but I'm not mean enough to make him go through that trauma." John giggled and stood up with the second blanket.

We wandered off to the bathroom together and let's just say that washing ourselves wasn't the only thing that happened in the shower this morning.

A little while later we were clean and dressed. John was making breakfast and I had gone to get Harvey dressed. I walked into his room to find him sitting in the middle of the floor with his cars and a little garage.

Now Harvey was two, he could do most of his dressing himself but he just needed one of us to be there to do little bits such as untangle him when he got in a mess. For two years old, he was a pretty independent boy and liked to do things himself. I would say he's taking after me but I doubt John would like that.

John called us for breakfast just as Harvey had managed to get himself into a top and joggers. I sat him on the edge of his bed and put his socks and tiny shoes on.

After breakfast, John stood up and tied his shoelaces.

"I'll be off to work now boys, love you both." He hugged us both but when he came to me, I pulled on his arm.

"No you're not. You're staying here with us. Well actually, I'm taking us all out to the zoo today."

John shook his head, "As much as I would love to come out today, I really have to go to work."

"Nope, you're not. You had a message on your phone this morning when I woke up saying that the surgery was closed today for emergency repairs on the roof so you don't need to go in. Sorry, I read all your texts."

"What? Let me see." John chuckled disbelievingly.

"Sure, but I'm not making it up." I handed him his phone and he read the message.

"Alright then, to the zoo we go!" John exclaimed.

Harvey looked at us, puzzled. "What's a zoo, Sherlock?"

I explained as best as I could what a zoo was while I put his coat on and got us ready to go out.

I think John was more excited about this trip than Harvey was as he was the first out of the door and already hailing a cab.

All three of us scrambled into the back of the cab and we were soon on our way. Harvey bounced up and down excitedly in his chair, not that I could blame him now he knew that he would get to see his favourite animal. Harvey adored lions just as much as I did. I think lions are just so amazing and elegant.

There was a little over an hour's drive to get to the Zoo and Harvey had settled with colouring in his colouring pad full of lion pictures.

A little while later, we were dropped off in the Zoo and Harvey was so excited as he clenched my hand tightly. We waited outside whilst John went in to go and the tickets. I crouched down in front of Harvey and spoke to him.

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