Chapter 9: Just Perfect

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Sherlock's POV:

John and I were sitting, cuddled up on the sofa on this fine summers afternoon with the windows wide open. John had forced me to put on my shorts this morning when we got dressed because 'It's hot and besides you have nice legs so why not show them off' according to him.

"Right come on John, up you get. Follow me, we have somewhere to go. Don't ask questions." I pulled him up from the sofa with ease and pushed him towards the wardrobe in our bedroom. He had no idea what I had planned for this evening.

"Put on your nicest summer clothes but bring a jumper as it may get chilly later." I told him and walked out of the room.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialled Greg Lestrade's number.

"Hello Graham, is it set up. We're nearly ready so send the car as soon a possible please." I spoke into the phone, quietly.

"Sherlock. It's Greg, not Graham. When will you learn my name. And yes, it's all set up and I'll send the car now." He replied.

"Yes yes whatever your name is thanks goodbye." I hung up before he had a chance to reply and shoved my phone back into my trousers just as John appeared from the bedroom.

He was wearing his denim blue shorts and a red shirt with a jumper slung over his arm. A car horn tooted outside on the street, signifying that our car was here.

"Ready?" I asked John. He nodded and walked towards the door. I locked up the flat and went downstairs to get into the car with John.

I held the door open for John and he kissed my cheek as he slid past into the seat. I climbed in after him and we were off. The driver knew where he was going and little did John know, but the driver was actually Mycroft.

Being the kind brother he was, he offered to drive us to our destination. Well he didn't really offer, I kind of paid him to do it.

John stared out of the tinted windows, trying to work out where we were going. A puzzled look crossed his face as we drove out of central London and onto country lanes.

After another five minutes of driving, Mycroft stopped by a gate to a field with a footpath going through it. John had no clue what was going on. I could imagine the thoughts swirling inside his head as I watched him. I opened the door and got out, John following behind.

Mycroft drove off and I led John through the gate into the field. As we walked, I grabbed his hand and swung our arms together.

John's POV:

I had no clue where we were, I was just trusting Sherlock. He had clearly set up a surprise and I was excited to know what he had done. He led me through a field towards a gap in the trees in the distance.

When we finally reached the gap in the trees, I saw a picnic blanket set out with a tremendous amount of food sitting on top. It was so romantic. Sherlock had set up a picnic for just the two of us. He was so thoughtful.

"Sherlock, it's beautiful." I whispered in awe.

"Just like you." He replied with a grin.

"So cheesy." I muttered.

Sherlock pulled me gently towards the picnic and sat down on the blanket.

"Come on, sit down and let's eat." So I did as I was told and sat down. Once all the food was gone, Sherlock started to speak.

"John, I know we have only been together for four months, two weeks and three days, yes I have been counting," he started and we both laughed.

"Anyway, these four months have been the happiest months of my life. I love you so much and I always will." He clambered up so that he was kneeling on one knee and produced a small velvet box from his shorts pocket.

"Would you, John Watson, take me, Sherlock Holmes, to be your husband?" He asked, his hands now shaking as he opened the box to reveal a beautiful gold ring.

"YES, YES AND A THOUSAND MORE YESES. OF COURSE!" I yelled and jumped up. I wrapped my arms around Sherlock as tears fell onto his shoulder. I couldn't have asked for more from tonight.

"I love you so much Sherlock Holmes!" We were both crying with joy. I had waited all this time for this and now I had finally got what I wanted. Sherlock pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

"I have one more surprise for you but you'll have to follow me once again." He explained.

He led me further into the trees until we reached another clearing. This clearing held a small cabin. Only big enough for two people to sleep in. Sherlock opened the door and ushered me inside. The floor was scattered with pillows and blankets to make up a bed. The ceiling held a skylight so we could see the stars as the day became night.

"Would you like to stay here tonight with me?" Sherlock asked.

"Yessss pleasseee!" I started to get excited. Sherlock pulled me in to his chest and captured my lips in a passionate kiss.

We spread out over the pillows and blankets cuddled up in each other's arms. We watched the sky turn dark and the stars start to shine brightly thought the skylight. It was perfect.

"Make a wish but don't tell me." Sherlock suddenly said into the comfortable silence.

I wished that I could live forever with Sherlock in our own home and maybe even have a child running around in the near future. I loved Sherlock so much that it was indescribable.

Suddenly, Sherlock scrambled up and grabbed the guitar in the corner of the cabin that I hadn't noticed till just now. He started to softly play A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. The next thing I know, he's singing the words and it sounds beautiful. A huge smile grew on my face.

"I didn't know you could play the guitar or sing," I said shocked, when he finished, "That was beautiful Sherlock."

"Why thank you, my darling. I'm full of hidden talents." He smirked and kissed my lips gently. "Just so you know, all those words I sang are true. I will love you for a thousand years and I would die for you."

"The same goes for you, love." I pulled away from Sherlock as we fell back onto the mountain of cushions and drifted into a peaceful sleep in each other's arms. Sherlock was finally my fiancé and I loved the feeling.

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