Chapter 21: The Dreaded First Day

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Harvey's POV:

Yesterday was my fifth birthday. Today I have to go to school. I'm scared and I really don't want to go without John and Sherlock. I don't know anyone. What if they don't like me?

Sherlock's POV:

Today was the first day of school for Harvey. I could tell he was scared as hell but he wasn't going to tell us. I could also tell John was worried about him just as much as I was.

As I helped Harvey into his school uniform, I started to talk to him about how he was feeling.

"How are you feeling Harvey? You know it's ok to be scared. I'm sure you'll be fine and you'll make many friends to play with." I reassured him.

"But Sherlock, what if they think I'm weird. What if they don't like me?" He looked like he was about to cry.

"Why wouldn't they like you? You're a lovely boy with a big kind heart."

"They might not like me because I have two dad's. I'm not like other children. I don't have a mum." A tear fell down his cheek slowly.

I pulled him into a tight hug and kissed his head. "That doesn't matter. They won't like you any less because of that. It doesn't change who you are. Now come on, let's go and show John what a big brave boy you are, yh?"

"Ok Sherlock." He mumbled and wiped his tears away, took a deep breath and grabbed my hand.

We walked into the kitchen to find Mrs Hudson sitting at the kitchen table while John cooked breakfast on the stove. A delicious smell of bacon filled the room.

"Morning Mrs Hudson." I hugged her around her shoulders and sat down beside her.

"Morning boys. So I hear you're going to school today, Harvey. Are you excited?" She asked him and he nodded. My little talk with him must have helped then, I thought to myself.

We ate breakfast with Mrs Hudson and too soon it was time to take Harvey to school. John had taken the day off work today to come with me to drop Harvey off at school. After that we would probably go out on a case together, just like the old days. We rarely got to go on a case together anymore since John had his job at the surgery.

Cheerfully, we walked Harvey into Reception and signed him in. He was told by a lovely lady, who I assumed was a teacher, to go and play outside with the other children. Reluctantly, he gave us both a tight squeeze and walked away.

By the time it was time for John and I to leave, Harvey was playing in the sand pit with another little boy. He seemed happy enough so we walked back out of the school. I'm sure there would be plenty of stories later from Harvey.

I just hoped that he would make plenty of friends or have at least one good friend who he can rely on. My biggest fear was him being picked on but I was sure he wouldn't because he's such a lovely little boy.

Outside the gate, we parted and went out own ways. John went to work at the surgery and I went back to 221b Baker Street. Mrs Hudson was cleaning and had the hoover on when I arrived home so she didn't hear me come in.

I went upstairs and sat in my chair. Carefully, I positioned my hands under my nose and chin and propped myself up in my thinking pose. I was still trying to solve this hard case on this disappearing woman.

After what felt like a few minutes but was actually a few hours, I heard a startled scream from the doorway of the flat. I snapped abruptly out of my mind palace and saw Mrs Hudson in the doorway.

"Oh Sherlock, I didn't hear you come in dear. You scared me. Anyway, I just came up to get your washing seeing as you boys don't seem to ever do it. Poor Harvey's going to end up wearing the same clothes again."

"Yes yes, thank you Mrs Hudson. Now I must go back to work." I closed my eyes once again and tried to concentrate. It was impossible with Mrs Hudson rustling around in the back ground.

I got up and found my blue housecoat. I put it on over the top of my shirt and threw myself onto the couch. A little while later John came home.

"Are you sulking again Sherlock?" He asked teasingly.

"I'm not 'sulking' John. I'm merely frustrated."

"Whatever, come on we need to go and pick up Harvey. I wonder how he's got on today."

Jumping up quickly, I changed out of my housecoat and put on my pristine clean blazer. I liked to always be smart if I was going out of the flat. When we were ready, we started the walk to Harvey's school.

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