Chapter 13: I still love you just the same

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Sherlock's POV:

When? How? I didn't understand. Could it have possibly have been that one time? God, I knew I had made a mistake that day. No, it wasn't a mistake. Rose was a beautiful girl, my daughter. What now though?

All of these thoughts raced through my head so fast I could barely stop myself from screaming. I couldn't be a father, could I? I was married to John. Oh God no, what must John think of me.

Cautiously, I turned to face John. Bewildered, his mouth opened and closed like he wanted to say something but no words would come out.

"Sherlock?" He eventually managed to whisper.

"John, Irene, bring the child and follow me. Everyone else go back to the party." I instructed firmly as I began to stride out of the clearing and into a cluster of trees.

When we were out of earshot of the guests, we stopped and stood in silence.

"How old is she?" I broke the silence.

"2." Irene replied.

I did the calculations in my head quickly. 2 years and 9 months ago Irene was in my flat, in my bedroom. It all fits perfectly.

"Are you sure she's my child?" I asked warily.

"Of course she is. I don't have one night stands you know." She snapped back.

I sighed and rubbed my temples.
"Why tonight, on my wedding night, did you have to drop this on me?" I snapped back.

"I didn't know where else to find you, how else to get you to talk to me." Irene answered with a deep sigh.

"So you're with Mycroft now. He's with the mother of his niece. I presume he already knows. Hmm, how long has he known she's my daughter?"

"A few months, I don't know, it was when we first got together. Obviously, I had to tell him if we wanted it to work out."

"That selfish cow!" I yelled as I ran back towards the clearing.

"Mycroft Holmes, where are you?" I shouted in anger.

I found him, sitting at a table with my mother and father. Quickly, I grabbed his arm and pulled him up from his chair. I ignored all of the questions from my parents and focused on Mycroft.

"Come with me you selfish idiot!" I pulled him away from the reception and over to a quiet area, away from everyone.

"S-Sherlock, what's going on?" Mycroft stammered as I pulled him to a halt.

"Why didn't you tell me? You knew all of those months and you didn't bother to tell me!" I punched him in the jaw as I shouted.

"Oww!" He clutched his jaw in his hand, "I'm sorry Sherlock, I really am. I wanted to tell you but it wasn't my place to tell you. Irene made me swear I wouldn't tell a soul. I said I wouldn't tell anyone as long as she promised to tell you before it was too late."

"Okay, I'm done here. Thanks for being my punch bag big brother." I tapped his cheek and he winced in pain. I gave him a fake grin and wandered off to find Irene with Rose and John.

"Irene, I think it's time you took Rose home to bed now. I shall ring you sometime after we get back from our honeymoon to sort out arrangements for me to meet her properly." I stepped forward and kissed the sleeping Rose on her head. She was currently asleep with her head on her mothers shoulder, sucking her thumb.

"Okay, thank you Sherlock. See you soon and enjoy the rest of your night. Sorry I disrupted it." She gave me a small smile and walked away.

"Oh John, I'm sorry baby. I've messed up big time now." I pulled him into my chest in a hug.

"You haven't messed up at all, Sherlock. I still love you all the same. Plus, you now have a beautiful daughter who you should be very proud of. I love you more than you can ever imagine." John hugged me back.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief. We stood in our tight embrace for a few minutes longer before we decided we should go back to our wedding reception. I dreaded going back to face all of the guests. All of the questions and the curiosity. Nosey idiots.

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