Chapter 22: Evan

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John's POV:
At 3.10 pm, Sherlock and I walked through the school gates to pick up Harvey. I was nervous to find out how Harvey got on and I could tell Sherlock was as well. We stopped in the playground, outside the classroom door and waited for the bell to ring signalling the end of the school day.

When it eventually rang, the door opened and lots of small children came running out to meet their parents. I looked eagerly for Harvey. When he didn't come out with all of the other children I tired took at Sherlock who had a puzzled look on his face.

Concerned as to where he was, we walked over to the door and looked in. I spotted him sitting by the indoor sandpit with another little boy. The teacher was crouched down beside them, smiling. When she looked up, she saw us and walked over to us.

"Hi there, are you Harvey's parents?" She smiled brightly.

"Yeah, so who's this then?" I smiled back and nodded my head towards the little boy beside Harvey.

"That's Evan. Harvey and Evan seem to be getting along perfectly, they haven't left each others sides since this morning." She laughed.

"Aww that's lovely. I'm glad he's made a friend. I was a bit worried this morning when we dropped him off in case he got bullied because you know..." Sherlock piped up, nodding towards our intertwined hands.

"Ah, I see. Yeah, Harvey should be fine, he's made a good friend and all of the children here are lovely." She then turned back to the boys. "Come on then boys, home time."

Both boys got up and ran to us. As Harvey gripped his tiny arms around my thighs, Evan did the same to the teacher in front of us.

"Is he yours?" I asked, smiling fondly at the child.

"Yep he's my little monster." She replied, tickling his sides. Evan ran away squealing.

Sherlock and I chuckled at the sight before us and said our goodbyes. We walked back to Baker Street whilst talking about Harvey's day. He was absolutely buzzing.

Harvey blabbered on all evening about what he had been up to at school. The relief that Harvey was happy took a heavy weight off of my shoulders.

We played and talked for hours until it was time for Harvey to go to bed. It was a struggle to get him to settle down; he was so excited for tomorrow. I hoped this happiness would continue on forever more.

"Can Evan come to play after school please Daddy?" The question was directed at both of us.

I looked over at Sherlock in surprise but he was just grinning proudly like it had happened before.

"Of course he can darling." Sherlock said as I tried to find my words. "Now you go to sleep and then you'll be able to play all day again tomorrow."

We kissed his head and said goodnight. Once Sherlock had shut Harvey's door, I turned to Sherlock.

"What was that about?" I questioned him.

"What was what? He called us Daddy. Aren't you proud?"

"Yes, yes of course I am. I mean has this happened before or something."

"Oh yeah, at the Zoo he called me Daddy while you were getting the tickets. I forgot to tell you about that."

Sherlock stood there grinning at me whilst it all sunk in. We both eventually started laughing quietly.

"Come on, let's go to our room before we wake up Harvey." I giggled.

Once we were in our room, we got our pyjamas on and climbed into bed. I picked up my book and started reading whilst Sherlock just lied there, staring at the ceiling.

I was nearly at the end of the chapter when I felt Sherlock snuggle into arm. His nose pressed against my arm as if he was breathing in my smell. I leaned down and kissed his temple. His breathing indicated that he was asleep so I put my book down and tried to join him.

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