Chapter 15: Completed Family

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Sherlock's POV, one week later, back in 221b:

Irene sat in the chair beside myself and John. Where all of our clients sit. She waited patiently for me to speak.

"So I erm I mean we have come to a decision and I hope that you will agree with us." I started to say, "I think that the if we want the best for Rose, I need to stay out of her life. It would be better for her to grow up without being tossed between us. I also think that when you believe that she is old enough to understand and make decisions for herself, you should tell her about me and let her make the decision of whether she would like to meet me. Of course, if anything was to happen to you then I would be here for her and I would keep her as safe as possible."

"Okay, that sounds good. As long as you're both happy with that of course." She replied.

"Yes we both agree that this would be best for Rose but please whatever you do, don't lie to her." I begged her.

"I would never do that, don't worry." She reassured me.

John sat silently as this discussion happened. I showed Irene out of the flat and came back to find John still in his chair but staring into space.

"Hey, what's up love?" I asked concerned.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about our future. I'm really keen on the idea of adopting but I only want to do it if that's what you want to do?" He asked.

"Oh yes, yes, yes! Of course I do! Let's contact the local care home now and see who they have!" This was all so exciting.

"Sherlock, can we adopt a baby if possible please?" John asked sheepishly.

"Yes anything you want, just as long as we adopt a child. I don't mind what age." I grabbed my phone and dialled the care home number. We asked to make an appointment for as soon as possible to meet a 1 year old boy named Harvey. We ended up with tomorrow at 10.30 am.

After we hung up, I grabbed John and kissed his nose whilst I hugged him tightly. John squirmed and tried to escape but I didn't let him. I was too excited. We were going to have our own little family and I couldn't wait!

Next day at 10.25:

John and I stepped out of the taxi outside the children's care home. It was a huge place with a massive front garden. Children played on the front lawn and turned to look at us as we walked up to the door.

"Hi, can I help you? I'm Alex." A young boy came bounding up to us.

"Hi yes you might be able to. Can you show us the way to find Maria please?" John asked the sweet little boy.

"Yes of course follow me!" We followed him until he stopped in front of a woman who looked to be in her early 30's loading a washing machine.

She looked up and saw us just as the boy ran off again.

"Oh hello, you must be Sherlock and John right?" We nodded and she continued, "That was our little angel Alex. He's so kind and helpful." She smiled proudly and turned back to us.

"Right come on then, let's get you introduced to Harvey." She led us to a room at the back of the house which held a couple of sofas and a pool table.

"Take a seat and I'll go fetch Harvey." She smiled and we sat down on one of the sofas.

A few minutes later, she came back in with a tiny boy on her hip. When he saw us, he smiled shyly and hid his face in her shoulder. John smiled brightly at the boy.

"Hey come on don't be shy. Show us that beautiful big smile of yours Harvey. We don't bite." John was so good with children. That's another one of his hidden talents to add onto the list.

We spent about an hour playing with Harvey and he was getting more and more confident with us all through the hour. Finally, it was time for us to go and I glanced at John. His smile was so wide, it must have hurt his cheeks. There was no doubt about it, we both knew that this boy was the one for us. John and I made eye contact and we both nodded.

"I think we both agree that he's the one for us. We would like to take him please and as soon as possible." I grinned at Maria.

"Okay that's brilliant. I'll get the paper work sorted out as soon as I can and then he'll be yours to take home in a couple of days time." She grinned back.

I pulled John into my side and kissed his head. We were finally completing our family. We were getting our much wanted child. Our own child to look after and care for. I've never been so happy.

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