Chapter 19: Embarrassing times

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Sherlock's POV, a few days later:

We now had had Harvey back home for a week and he was still on the mend. His bruises were clearing up nicely but he still had a fractured wrist. We were currently sitting on his bedroom floor playing with his toys. We hadn't played all together as a three in a few months now due to John's job and my cases. Harvey pushed a car towards John with his good hand just as my phone began to ring.

"I'll be back soon, I need to take this call." I said and ran out of the room.

The number displayed as unknown so I clicked answer to see who it was.

"Hello Sherlock. How's the little boy doing?" A sickly sweet voice said. I didn't recognise this voice.

"Who are you?" I asked, anger building up inside me.

"You know who I am, we met a few days ago. Don't you remember?" The voice teased.

Then it suddenly clicked.

"Who are you and why did you kidnap my son?" I snapped.

"Oh I'm only an old friend of James', just fulfilling his last wishes. It's so sad that he's gone isn't it, I know how close you two were. You were all he would talk about."

James? Who's James? Oh Jim. Jim Moriarty had friends? Wow.

"So you had one call from the prison and yet you chose to spend it on trying to rile me up? How lonely are you that you have no one more important to call?" I chuckled and hung up before she had a chance to respond.

Pleased with myself, I ran back to Harvey's bedroom to finish playing our game of traffic jams. John looked up at me concerned.

"Who was it?" He asked quietly.

"Oh just someone trying to sell me something, wish I had never answered it to be honest."

We played for hours and hours with a short break for a picnic in the living room and then we came back to play again. I loved seeing Harvey so happy, even with his fractured wrist.

Later that night after Harvey had gone to bed, John and I were sat on the sofa under a blanket, watching TV.

"I wish our lives weren't so dramatic." John sighed.

"You married me, drama comes with me." I smirked and kissed his nose gently.

He then turned on the sofa to face me completely and our lips found each other. I tangled my fingers into his hair, pulling him closer to me, resulting in the kiss deepening. John tugged at my shirt and started to unbutton it...


We laid naked against each other, still under the blanket, even though we were both sweaty after that little session. We stayed there cuddling each other as Mrs Hudson came up the stairs. What was she coming up here for at this time of night? I glanced over to John to see his face with panic written all over it.

Before we had chance to move, Mrs Hudson came in through the door and gasped.

"Oh boys! I'm terribly sorry. I didn't realise." She started to get flustered and turned to go back downstairs.

"No no, Mrs Hudson. It's ok, we're covered up. What did you come up for?" I said laughing.

She blushed as she turned back to us saying, "I just came up to make sure you had had dinner tonight. I know what you boys are like about eating. I worry that you don't feed Harvey enough."

"Yes Mrs Hudson, we've all eaten, even Sherlock has for once." John smirked at me.

"Good good. Right I'll be off then. See you tomorrow boys. Don't stay up too late." And off she went, scurrying down the stairs.

"Well that was embarrassing. I'm glad she didn't come up a bit earlier though!" John laughed deeply.

"Mm." I mumbled into his chest. I could feel sleep slowly taking over me as my eyes drifted closed. That was where we slept all night, cuddled up in each other's arms.

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