Chapter 1: Is John in love?

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John's POV:

Sleepily, I rolled over in my bed to see out of my open bedroom door, Sherlock pacing around the living room. This wasn't unusual for Sherlock. He tapped his fingers gently on his freshly shaven chin.

His crisp clean shirt was tucked neatly into his smart trousers. The top two buttons of his shirt were undone, exposing his chiselled collar bones. His hair was in its usual style but slightly damp showing that he had recently showered.

Sherlock is so beautiful, that perfect face, I thought as I watched him. I could lay here and watch him all day if I could but I feared he would catch me staring if I stayed here any longer.

I dragged myself out of bed and got showered. When I had got dressed, I walked out into the kitchen to find Sherlock tapping away at his laptop. Must be working on another case, I thought.

"Morning Sherlock, new case?" I greeted him.

"Morning, yeah this ones looking like it's gonna be a hard one to crack so far." He replied without looking up from his laptop.

I peered over his shoulder to see what his was typing. He was typing an email to his brother, Mycroft. I skimmed the page of writing to hopefully catch onto what was happening. Nope, no luck. The email didn't make any sense to me at the moment. I was probably missing quite a bit of information but oh well I would probably find out later, I silently decided. Maybe it wasn't about the case. However, disturbing Sherlock while he was working was never a good idea.

As I gathered my breakfast together and sat down across the table to eat it, Sherlock looked up at me, straight in the eyes as if he was trying to decide something, and tapped his fingertips on the kitchen table.

We kept eye contact for the whole time I ate my cereal, with me occasionally glancing down to check I wasn't spilling any breakfast, but Sherlock kept his gaze.

What is he thinking, I wondered while we kept our gazes fixed.

"Why are you staring at me, Sherlock?" I questioned as I finished my breakfast.

"The case I'm trying to solve, it's you." He replied.

I stared back at him confused, "What? I don't understand."

"You, John, you are in love. I can see it, but with who I don't know. That is what I'm trying to solve. Who is John in love with? Are you seeing someone in secret?" He questioned.

I was completely wordless. He can't possibly solve this. He can never know. At least not just yet anyway.

"No Sherlock! I am not seeing anyone in secret. You are completely wrong for a change. Just accept it. You. Are. Wrong." I stormed out of the room and down the stairs and out onto the street.

I didn't have a clue where I was going or why I was so angry. All I do know is that he can't find out now. No way.

Sherlock's POV:

Woah, what just happened. Someone's a bit sensitive. I didn't mean to make him angry, I thought as I sat at the kitchen table still in shock. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialled his number. It went straight to voicemail so I left him a message.

"John, it's me, Sherlock. I'm sorry. Please don't be angry. I didn't mean to upset you. It was only a bit of fun. Please come home. I'm sorry." I hung up and sighed. Now all I could do was wait for him to return. He would have to come back at some point.

To be continued...

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