Chapter 8: Parents

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4 months on, John's POV:

I still haven't got used to the idea of Sherlock and I, even after 4 months of being in a relationship. To me, it didn't feel like reality, I was just waiting to wake up from a really good dream and be disappointed.

Sherlock walked into the bedroom in just his bath towel after having a shower. I was still in bed, typing up a new entry for my blog. Sherlock came and sat back down on the bed, water droplets rolling down his slim torso.

"I was thinking while I was in the shower," he started "we should really go and see my parents sometime soon. I haven't told them about us and I would really like them to meet you. What do you think?"

"Yeah that would be nice. When do you think would be the best time to go?" I agreed.

"Well seeing as we have no plans for today, maybe we could go this afternoon for a bit. We wouldn't have to stay long." Sherlock suggested.

"Okay then, that's fine with me. I'm going to have a shower, don't touch the laptop and definitely do not write on my blog." I warned him as I crawled off of the bed.

Sherlock's POV:

Hehehe, time to set to work, I thought to myself. I opened the laptop and clicked onto John's blog.

Sherlock is so handsome. He's the best detective in the world. He is my world, I typed on the end of John's post for today. He hadn't published it yet so he would hopefully see it. I giggled to myself and closed the laptop.

I put on my favourite purple shirt and comfortable black trousers. When I was content with my outfit, I started to get out John's outfit. I knew he loved it when I picked his clothes.

I grabbed my favourite pair of his red boxers, baby blue shirt and a jumper to go over the top and black trousers. Neither of us ever wore ties unless it was a special occasion such as a wedding but that was rarely ever an event in my life. We always went for the casual but smart look, it was all I was comfy in.

John came out of the shower, towel around his waist and hair dripping. He put on the clothes I had neatly set out for him and combed his wet hair into its usual style. I busied myself with rifling through my bedside cabinet drawer for my violin music sheet, waiting for John to open his blog again.

I found the music sheet and picked up my violin and the bow. Softly, I started to play the song I had written, inspired by my love for John. He didn't know this but I knew he enjoyed hearing me play it. I stared out of the bedroom window as I played while John sat on the bed with the laptop.

"Sherlockkkk!" He laughed as he saw my added bit on his blog.

"Yes John?" I abruptly stopped playing and turned around to face my boyfriend with a smug smirk on my face. I knew full well what he wanted.

"All of this that you have written is true but I did tell you not to write on my blog so I think you
deserve a punishment."

"And what would that be?" I asked suggestively.

"No kisses for a week." I told him although we both knew even I wouldn't be able to hold out for that long.

He smirked and stood up, "Okay then, the game is on." And with that, he strode elegantly out of the bedroom.

Later that day, John and I were preparing to visit my parents.

"Don't worry John, they'll accept us, I'm sure of it. It may be a bit of a shock but they'll get used to it eventually." I assured him as he sat in his chair nervously bouncing his knee.

We went downstairs and out onto the street to get into a cab. I told the driver the address and we set off towards my parents' house.

"Are you sure your parents are okay with us coming today?" John asked.

"I'm sure they'll be fine with it."

"What do you mean? Did you not call them to check if it was okay?" John nearly shouted.

"Well erm... alright no I didn't." I smiled sheepishly at John who had a disapproving look on his face.

"Oh Sherlock, you are so bad." He squeezed my hand but didn't kiss me like he usually did. He really was keeping this up. It was going to be torture this week without kisses from John. John's kisses were my drug and I was severely addicted to this drug.

We eventually pulled up outside my childhood home and got out of the cab. I paid the driver the bill and he sped off back the way we came. Nervously, we walked up to the front door and rang the door bell. John squeezed my hand as we waited for someone to answer the door.

As we heard the latch being undone on the other side of the door, we dropped hands and put smiles on our faces. My mother opened the door and saw me standing there.

"Oh Sherlock! How lovely to see you, and who's this handsome man with you?" She exclaimed.

"Hello Mummy. This is John Watson." I cleared my throat and continued, "My boyfriend."

My mum gasped and pulled John in for a hug, "Welcome to the family dear! Come in boys!"

My mother always was very enthusiastic. We stepped inside and sat down on the sofa as my father appeared in the kitchen doorway. I stood up and greeted him.

"Hello father, this is John, my boyfriend." I gestured towards John  who was now standing beside me.

"Hello Mr Holmes, it's a pleasure to meet you." They shook hands as my father registered what I had just said.

"Boyfriend eh son?" I tensed up, not knowing how he would react, "Well done, I'm proud of you," he clapped me on the back with a smile as I let out a silent sigh of relief.

John and I sat back down on the sofa while my mother and father sat opposite us on the other sofa.

"So, how did you and such a fine fellow meet then, Sherlock?" Father asked.

"Well, John needed somewhere to live and I needed a flat mate so a mutual friend arranged for us to meet and it just went from there. We've lived together for just over a year now but we've only been together for four months."

"Aw how sweet." My mother cooed.

John's POV:

Sherlock parents were so understanding. I was so pleased that they accepted us. That was one of my worst fears, the other one being whether my parents would accept us. I hoped and prayed they would although I knew my father would be slightly disappointed. I hated disappointing my dad but I needed Sherlock's love more than my dad's approval.

The rest of the afternoon sped by with just general conversations between Sherlock, his parents and I. Sherlock's mum suggested we stayed for dinner and so we accepted.

The night was enjoyable and Sherlock and I went home content much later that night.

"I love you," Sherlock said as we sat in the back of a cab on the way back to our flat.

"Not as much as I love you," I replied and snuggled into Sherlock's shoulder, smiling.

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