Chapter 4: Pub visit

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Sherlock POV:

The next day sped by as usual with John working by my side on our current case but still, John was very distant from me. He barely spoke and if he did, it would be about the case and nothing else.

Later that evening, as we sat down to eat our dinner in the kitchen, John said, "I'm going to the pub tonight to meet a friend."

"Ok, have fun." I replied and we went back to eating in silence. That was our first conversation about anything other than work since the day I messed everything up.

Who was this friend he was meeting, were they more than a friend? I pondered as I twirled my spaghetti round my fork.

John finished eating, dumped his plate in the sink and sauntered out of the room. He returned out of his room in a fresh navy-blue shirt and a smell of aftershave followed him.

In my head, I listed all of the relevant clues. Meeting a friend in the pub, clean and smart shirt, aftershave he only wore on special occasions, he said it was a he when he spoke to Mrs Hudson the other day.

I would have to follow him secretly and find out who this mystery man was.  I was in desperate need of finding out.

I heard the front door slam signifying John had left and was on his way to the pub. I grabbed my coat and fixed my scarf around my neck comfortably. I locked the front door on my way out and marched down the street in hope to catch up with John not far behind to make sure I got the right pub.

I could see John just about to turn the corner at the end of Baker Street and I sped up. I would make sure John didn't catch me but be close enough not to lose him. I was intrigued to find our who this guy was and if he was anything more than a friend to John yet.

Hang on a minute. Why do I care who he's with? What does it matter to me? No I couldn't like him. I wasn't gay, was I? I questioned myself as I walked at a quickened pace.

I decided to forget about my reasons for caring as I saw John turn and walk into the local pub. I waited for a small group of people to enter before I entered so I could try to blend in with them in hope not to be spotted by John.

John's POV:

I wonder what Sherlock is doing now, I pondered as I sat waiting for my friend to turn up. Probably watching tv or trying to decipher more facts and clues about the current case we were working on.

"John?" I heard a feminine voice behind me and I turned to see Molly standing there.

"Hi Molly, I'm glad you could come. I need your advice and help seeing as you know him best." I replied and gestured for Molly to sit down opposite me.

"Let me get us some drinks and then I'll explain." I stood up and then realised I hadn't asked her what drink she would like. She requested a red wine and I went off to order it and my beer from the bar.

Sherlock's POV:

I sat across the room from John's table and made sure that his back was turned to me so he wouldn't spot me. He was waiting patiently for this 'friend' to turn up when suddenly Molly Hooper stands behind him. As he turned around and noticed her standing there, he invited her to sit in the seat opposite him.

I couldn't really lip-read what they were saying but judging by their facial expressions this was planned and wasn't just a coincidence. John's friend was Molly Hooper. I was expecting it to be a male, the male who John was in love with. They were sat in a booth which was quite private. Suddenly the booth behind them became free and I quickly and discreetly sat in it, hoping to overhear their conversation.

"I need your advice and help seeing as you know him best other than me." I heard John explain.

John got up to get some drinks for the two of them and came back shortly holding a glass of red wine and a beer. He sat down gently and carried on explaining.

"I don't know how to tell him or how he'll react to it. I'm too embarrassed to tell him." John said sounding guilty.

Who was this man? He said Molly knew him really well and he doesn't know how he'll react. Who did Molly know as well as he did? Why was he embarrassed about it? Who would make him feel embarrassed to tell them? All these questions made my head spin as I tried to work it out. I needed more clues.

To be continued...

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