Chapter 11: The Big Day

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Sherlock's POV:

After four months of planning and quite a few arguments, the day I had waited for all my life to come, had finally arrived. Everything was planned to perfection and Mycroft had insisted that he and Lestrade were left to set everything up so that John and I could focus on getting ready. We had gone with tradition so I was staying at my parents' house while John was staying with Lestrade.

Mycroft was my best man and Lestrade was John's best man so we left them in charge. I was laying on my old bed in my original bedroom, staring at the ceiling. I missed John. It felt strange being away from him for 24 hours after all these months of spending every minute possible with each other. It sounded stupid knowing that it had only been 24 hours and I was already missing him but it just proved how much I really loved him and cared for him.

I propped myself up against the headboard of the bed and pulled out my phone. I dialled a number and put the phone to my ear. It rang and rang, making me more impatient with each ring until finally, I heard John's voice on the other end.

"Hey Sherlock, I thought we agreed to stick to the tradition?" He spoke in his deep beautiful voice.

"Yeah, I know we did but I was just missing you too much John. 24 hours without you is too long." I whined down the phone.

"I miss you more," John teased, "Can't wait to meet you at the altar, Mr Sherlock Holmes-soon-to-be-Watson, but I've got to go now to get dressed."

"Ok, is Gavin there? I would like to speak to him please, my love."

"Gavin? Who's Gavin? Ohhh, you mean Greg. Sherlock you need to learn his name otherwise I won't marry you." He teased.

"No! You can't do that. Ok fine I'll learn it just for you, John. Anyway, is 'Greg' there please?"

"Yh hang on, let me go get him. Greg? Yeah Sherlock wants to speak to you, whatever you do, don't stress him out," I heard him say to 'Greg', "Sherlock, I'll pass you over to Greg now. I love you. See you soon."

I heard a rustling and then Gavin speak into the phone.

"Hello Sherlock. Before you say anything, everything is fine here. We will be finished in time for the ceremony don't panic. I will make sure John looks immaculate." He reassured me, basically answering all of my questions before I even asked them.

"Ok thank you, now I must go and get myself ready. Goodbye." I hung up before he had a chance to reply.

I stood up from the bed, smiling to myself as I caught sight of my smart suit hanging on the back of the door. Slowly, I started to undress myself out of my casual clothes and get into my suit. Carefully, I slid the purple flower into the buttonhole of my suit jacket. We had finally decided to go with a Baby Blue and Deep Purple colour scheme, both our favourite colours. John would be wearing a Blue buttonhole flower.

Just as I had started to comb my curls, there was a timid knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in." I said and the door opened. There stood my mother, her mouth hanging open.

"My beautiful boy's finally getting married. Oh darling you look so handsome!" She gushed and pulled me in for a hug. I felt a single tear roll down her cheek which was pressed against my neck. I pulled back and held my mum by the shoulders gently.

"Oh mum, don't cry, you'll set me off." I said as I felt tears gather in my eyes.

John's POV:

Greg was rushing around the house, making phone calls and answering them. I felt bad leaving it all to him and Mycroft but they had insisted that they were left to do it themselves.

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