Chapter 16: Settling in

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A couple of days later, John's POV:

Ring, ring. My phone rang out into the silence of the bedroom. Sherlock was still dozing but I was wide awake. I was so excited about Harvey that I hadn't slept much these past few days.

My phone kept ringing on my bedside table until I picked it up and clicked the answer button. I put it up to my ear as I ran my fingers through Sherlock's soft curls.

"Hello, John Watson speaking."

"Hi John, it's Maria from the care home," I grinned down at Sherlock as she spoke, "I'm just calling to let you know that all the paper work is done and you can collect Harvey whenever suits you."

"That's great, thanks so much Maria. We'll be around this afternoon to collect him." I replied. Hearing these words, Sherlock shot up out of bed.

I finished the call and grabbed Sherlock around the shoulders. We span around the room together, squealing like little girls.

"Oh John, this is great. Finally our own family!" Sherlock exclaimed.

"I know, I know. It's amazing!" I cried out.

We got dressed and tidied the flat up a bit ready for Harvey and soon it was time to go and pick him up.

Hastily, Sherlock hailed a cab and we climbed in. Soon we were on our way to get our baby boy.

We pulled up outside the children's home and nearly ran inside. We were so excited. Maria met us at the door and invited us in. Harvey was sat, sucking his thumb nervously on the sofa.

"Hey Harvey. Are you ready to come home with us?" I crouched down to Harvey's height to talk to him.

Harvey immediately flung himself at me and clung onto me with his arms around my neck. I heard Sherlock chuckle softly behind me and poked Harvey on his nose over my shoulder. He squealed and scrambled away, making Sherlock and I laugh. He ran around the room as Sherlock chased him, trying to tickle him.

Sherlock caught Harvey and picked him up. He sat on Sherlock's hip and shoved his face into his shoulder. We all laughed as Maria spoke up.

"Look at you three, already a family." Maria smiled proudly.

"Come on then Harvey, let's get you home and settled in to your new room." I said and grabbed his tiny suitcase sitting next to the sofa.

Sherlock carried him out to the cab, put his car seat in and strapped him in it. We took him home and showed him his room. He would be in Sherlock's old room as we now slept in my room.

"We can decorate it however you like and you can play with all of your toys in here." Harvey smiled brightly. It made my heart flutter to see Sherlock and Harvey so happy. They were my biggest priority and I would die for both of them if I had to.

"Let's unpack your stuff shall we, then we can go and meet Mrs Hudson. She's very nice." I said and started to unzip Harvey's suitcase.

Harvey ran over and started to grab his toys and spread them out on the carpet.

"Nnyyoooomm!" Harvey yelled as he pushed a toy racing car across the floor. Sherlock and I laughed at his cuteness and continued to unpack as he played.

When we finished, we took Harvey downstairs to meet Mrs Hudson in her kitchen. She was sat at the kitchen table when she saw us entering.

"Hey you must be Harvey." She said as Harvey hid behind my legs. He peeked his head around as I tried to encourage him to come out.

"Don't be shy, show Mrs Hudson that lovely bright smile of yours." I lent down to his height and ruffled his hair.

He slowly stepped around my legs and approached Mrs Hudson.

"Hi, I'm Harvey." He mumbled shyly.

"Hello, Harvey. Do you like your new room?" She asked.

Harvey nodded and smiled. Mrs Hudson then got up to make cups of tea for us and poured a glass of milk for Harvey. We sat at the kitchen table for a while just chatting until Harvey started to drift off into a light sleep.

"I think we should take Harvey up to bed now. He's had a very busy day today." Harvey woke up at the mention of his name, making us all laugh softly.

We said goodbye to Mrs Hudson and I carried Harvey up to his bed. Carefully,  we put his pyjamas on and each kissed his forehead. His eyes slowly closed and he was asleep pretty much straight after. Sherlock and I crept out of his room, leaving the door slightly open and went downstairs.

We sunk down onto the sofa and cuddled up in front of the TV. I'm now the happiest I've ever been. I'm married to the smartest and best man I've ever known and I now have my own son to look after. It can only get better.

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