Chapter Two

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The sounds of the party being in full swing blasted from the clubhouse behind me. Normally I would be all about partying but I just wasn't feeling it right now. I sat on the picnic bench, my knees pulled up against my chest. I sighed heavily, picking at a piece of wood sticking out on the side of the table. 

The music suddenly got louder as the door to the clubhouse opened. It faded away again as it closed. I looked over, watching a crow eater and another biker wonder off around the side of the bar. Gross. I hope she gets glass in her knees. 

I looked back at the wood, finding it really interesting for some reason. After a while I got bored and let out a loud sigh, resting my head on my knees. I blinked away the tears that appeared, wiping away the ones that had escaped and rolled down my cheeks. How did my life get THIS fucked up? Like, what the hell did I do?

I covered my face with my hand as more tears fell and I was unable to stop. I sniffled, trying to swallow down the sobs. 

"What are you doing out here alone?"

I jumped at the voice, looking to my left. I wiped my eyes as the guy came over to me, taking a seat beside me. I recognized his face, he was at the parties pretty often but he wasn't really anyone. He definitely wasn't a part of the club.

"Um," I cleared my throat, trying to hide the fact that I had been crying, "the party got a bit too much for me."

The man nodded, "Just needed a breather?"

I gave him a weak smile and nodded, "Yeah, just needed a moment alone."

He brushed my hair back from my face and I stiffened under his touch. 

"To me it looks like a beautiful girl sitting outside in the dark, crying."

I shook my head, leaning away from him, "I'm fine."

His arm trailed down my arm, "I bet I could make you smile."

I pushed his hand off, "Please don't touch me."

He wrapped his arm around me, "Don't be rude. I'm just trying to comfort you, be a good person."

I pushed against him, trying to shove him off of me. 

"I don't need any comforting," I snapped, "Just get OFF of me."

I squeaked in shock as the guy was roughly pulled off the table. 

"What the fu- Oh, hey Happy," the man fumbled over his words. 

Happy just stared him down. No words, no change in expression on his face. He jerked his head to the left, telling the guy to beat it. The guy didn't need to be told twice and all but ran back into the party. 

"Thanks," I mumbled. 

"You good?" Happy finally spoke. His deep voice sending chills up my spine. 

I nodded. 

Happy pulled out a cigarette before taking a seat where the other guy had been sitting. He held out his pack to me. I took one, waiting for his lighter after he lit his cigarette. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, inhaling the cigarette. 

"Having a cigarette," he said. 

"Well I can see that. But I mean, why are you staying out here and not going into the party?"

Happy shrugged, "Don't want to."

I rolled my eyes, "You're just a man of many words."

"Why were you crying?"

"I wasn't," I denied. 

"Your face is red and blotchy and your eyes look like you were either crying or smoked a shit ton of pot for the past two days."

"And how do you know I wasn't?" I challenged with a grin, "I could be a HUGE stoner."

Happy chuckled, "I guess so."

He didn't push the issue about me crying. He just sat out there and smoked beside me. Eventually I got tired and got off the table. I rubbed my face with my hands. 

"Fuck," I groaned. 


"My car is literally in the shop," I pointed to the garage behind us, "And I need to get back to my hotel. I highly doubt dad is sober enough to give me a ride."

"I'll give you a ride," Happy said, standing up and flicking away his cigarette. 

I shook my head, "That's okay. I can walk."

Happy was already on his bike though, holding out his helmet to me. I sighed, climbing on the back of it and taking the helmet from him. 

"Where are you staying?"

"The motel on main street," I answered. 

"Hold on," he warned as he started his bike. 

I wrapped my arms around his waist. I tightened my grip as we took off. I hadn't been on the back of one of the bikes in years. I closed my eyes, laying my head on his back as we drove through town. 

I opened my eyes as we came to a stop in front of the motel. I released my grip, leaning back so he could get off. I swung my leg over the side, and got off as well as I took off the helmet. 

"Thanks for the ride," I said, handing it back to him. 

He just nodded. I headed up the stairs to the second floor. I stopped outside my door, looking back to see he was still there in the parking lot, watching and waiting for me to get into my room. 

I unlocked the door and gave him a small wave before stepping into the room. 

I walked through the streets of Charming, passing the barber shop and a few stores. I heard a car honked as it pulled up beside me. 

"Well hello Deputy Hale," I said, coming to a stop as he hopped out of his jeep.

Hale flashed me a smile. He had been in love with me since high school, and honestly it got a little annoying but he was harmless. At least to me, not so much to SAMCRO. 

"Stephanie, I didn't know you were back in town," he said, pulling me into an excited hug. 

I chuckled, patting his back before pulling away. 

"Yeah, I'm on break from school. Came to town to see my dad, and get my car fixed. Can't beat free car repair."

Hale nodded, "How long are you in town?"

I shrugged, "About a week. Why?"

"Well it's been a while since we've talked, maybe we could get some dinner or something?" Hale asked, rubbing the back of his neck. I could tell he was nervous. 

"When?" I asked. 

"Tomorrow? I work all night but I could sneak off for a bite to eat," he said with a grin. 

"I guess I could meet you. Just as friends," I added quickly. 

Hale nodded, he looked a bit disappointed. "Okay, I'll meet you at the diner around 7?"

I nodded, "Okay. Well I gotta get to the shop, need to pick up my car."

"Oh, I'll give you a ride," Hale said, opening the door to his jeep. 

I frowned, bringing him to the SONs wouldn't exactly be the most welcomed thing in the world. 

"I can walk, but thanks," I said as I shook my head, starting to walk down the sidewalk. 

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