Chapter Three

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I finally got to the shop, waving at Jax as I made my way over. 

"Hey, didn't see you at the party last night," he commented. 

"Yeah, I wasn't in the partying mood. I went home early," I replied. 

"How did you get home?"

"Happy gave me a ride."

Jax glanced at me with a smirk.

"What?" I snapped. Jax shook his head and said nothing.

I rolled my eyes, "So is my car done?"

"The parts will be in today," Jax said with a sigh, "I told you that before."

"Yeah yeah. Just kinda hoping maybe your best friend was first priority," I said with a smile.

"I promise, as soon as the parts come in I will drop everything and put them on."

I giggled, "You better."

"You really shouldn't have driven it all the way here though?" Jax said, turning back to the bike he had been working on. 


"Steph, everything was so damn bad your tires would've flown off at any minute."

"Well it didn't and that's all that mattered. Besides how else would I have gotten myself and the car here if I hadn't driven it."

"We could've towed it," Jax countered. 

I shrugged, "Where's the adventure in that?"

Jax shook his head but didn't say anything. I decided to leave him to his work and went into the clubhouse. 

The aftermath of the party was clearly evident. Half-Sack was still cleaning up bottles and trash. I noticed some blood on a pool cue. Someone got a little rowdy. I took a seat at the bar, tapping it a bit. 

"Hey Half-Sack, can I get some coffee?" I called over to him. 

He groaned, dropping the trash bag he was holding and coming back behind the bar. 

"Do you have to be so loud? My head is fucking POUNDING." He placed a mug in front of me. 

"Maybe you shouldn't drink so much if you can't handle it," I mumbled, taking a sip of my drink. 

Half-Sack and I weren't always the best of friends. I felt he was too unpredictable and impulsive with his decisions. I kept waiting for the day he got the club in trouble. 

"Suck my dick," he snapped. 

"Only if you suck mine first," I shot back, blowing him a kiss as he walked away. 

Voices came back from the dorms as someone came down the hall into the main room. My dad appeared, a crow eater hanging off his arm. She gave him a sloppy kiss before leaving. I rolled my eyes, my dad taking a seat next to me, hollering for some coffee himself. 

"You know you're gonna get herpes one day," I teased, taking another sip of my coffee. 

"I'll take my chances. Where were you last night?"

"Went home early, tired."

"Well you missed one hell of a party," Dad commented, taking his own mug of coffee from Half-Sack. 

"Why's that?" I asked, glancing at him from the corner of my eye. 

"Happy got into it with some guy. A regular, no one special."

I raised my eyebrows partially shocked by this bit of information. But then again, brawls did sometimes happen. 

"Is that what the blood on the pool cue is all about?"

Dad nodded. 

"I just figured someone refused to pay up is all."

Dad chuckled as he got off the bar stool, "I'll see you later hun."

He gave me a quick kiss on the temple before heading out to the shop. I finished my coffee, leaving the mug on the bar. I stood up, stretching before going outside to have a cigarette. 

I found a spot on the table I had been sitting on last night. I lit the cigarette, inhaling as I watched everyone move around. Gemma pulled up and got out of the car, waving to me as she headed into her office. I waved back, the sounds of motorcycles pulling in, catching my attention. 

Clay, Bobby and Happy parked in their usual spot, getting off their bikes. Clay headed into the office after Gemma, Bobby into the clubhouse. But Happy spotted me and headed in my direction. 

"Did you walk here?" he asked. 

I nodded, "Yeah. The weather was nice today."

"I would've given you a ride," he said, lighting his own cigarette. 

"Maybe you should get into the chauffeur business if you want to drive people around so badly," I retorted. 

Happy cracked a smile, "Smartass."

I shrugged, "I do my best. It seems like everyone is wanting to give me rides. I didn't realize I was such a celebrity."

Happy raised his eyebrow, waiting for me to continue as he smoked. 

I shrugged, "I ran into Deputy Hale on my way here. He then proceeded to ask me to meet him for dinner tomorrow and offered me a ride here."

"So you got a date?" Happy asked, looking around the yard.

I shrugged, "I said I would meet him, as friends. I mean when we were younger before being thrust into being on opposite sides of this war, we were pretty good friends. It would be nice to catch up with a friend."

Happy nodded, "I suppose. I wouldn't know though."

"Know what?" I asked, flicking away my cigarette and standing up.

"Don't really have friends."

"Awh, poor thing," I teased, "I'll be your friend." I patted his arm as I walked passed. 

"Finally, I have my baby back!" I cheered, taking the car keys from Jax, "Thank you so much Jax."

"Yeah so now you can go on your date with Charming's finest."

I groaned and rolled my eyes, "You heard about it?"

"Yeah, Happy told me. He asked if there was something between you and Hale."

I furrowed my brows, "Why would he care?"

Jax shrugged, "Why don't you ask him yourself?"

I shook my head, "I don't care enough. Well I'm going to go for a drive, I missed my car."

I climbed in, starting the car and backed out of the lot. I hummed along to the song that played on the radio. I did some shopping, needing a few things I had forgotten at the dorms. I frowned as I thought back to the last semester of school. Why did I have to go to that damn party? Everything would be just fine and normal if I hadn't. Why did I fucking listen to Bethany?

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