Chapter Fourteen

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"Guys," I said stopping at the door before leaving church, "Please don't make Stephanie feel weird. She wasn't exactly on board with all of you knowing. But it had to be said."

"Don't worry," Clay said, slapping me on the back, "We won't say a word."

I nodded and followed the rest of them out of the room. I grabbed my phone out of the box and opened it. I put it to my ear, looking around the clubhouse as I waited for Stephanie to answer.

"Hello?" her voice was soft. Tired.

"Hey baby girl, how are you feeling?" I asked, taking a seat in a chair nearby.

"I feel a little better. Did you tell everyone?"

"Yeah, yeah I did."

"They probably think I'm some sad idiot," she said quietly.

"Nah, they don't think that. And if they do, me and your dad will make them reconsider."

She gave a small laugh and I smiled.

"Why don't I come pick you up in a bit, I got some club stuff to do, and we go back to the motel and just spend the night together? Something to take your mind off of things," I suggested.

"Okay. I'll see you in a little bit?"

"Yeah. See ya baby," I replied before hanging up.

Stephanie's POV:

"It never gets more comfortable," I mumbled, getting off of Happy's bike and handing him the helmet.Happy just chuckled in response.

I pulled out the keys to my room and headed upstairs, Happy following behind me. I furrowed my brows as I got closer to my room. The door looked like it was open. I felt a hand around my wrist, stopping me.

"Stay here," Happy said quietly, pulling his gun out of his waistband and moving towards the door.

He slowly pushed it open, walking into the room. I waited outside for a few moments before Happy re-appeared, motioning me inside. The room was completely trashed, all my belongings thrown across the room.

"What the hell happened here?" I said, carefully stepping over furniture and looking around.

"I don't know. Check and see if anything is missing," Happy said, standing by the door.

I looked around, checking a couple bags and taking a quick inventory. I looked back at Happy and shook my head.

"No, nothing seems to be missing that I can tell right away. I didn't really have anything worth taking anyways," I said, hugging myself, "So why would someone do this?"

"It was a message," Happy said, picking up the chair near him and straightening up the table.

I sighed, sitting on the bed. "The Nords?"

Happy nodded, still cleaning things up. I groaned and threw myself back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Why me?" I covered my face with my hands, "I just wanted to come back and get away. I didn't even want all of this to happen. That's why I wanted to avoid telling people."

"It's not your fault," Happy said. I could feel the bed sink down as he took a seat beside me.

"I wish I felt that way," I mumbled.

"Come on," Happy said, standing up and pulling me to my feet, "Let's go stay at my place for tonight. We can come back and deal with this tomorrow."

I nodded and grabbed a few things before following him outside. I locked the door behind me, thought I don't know why. Whoever wanted to get in there could obviously do so very easily.

Happy's place wasn't much to write back to home about but it was something. There was a small couch and TV pushed into one corner of the cramped room, a kitchen shoved into another.

I dropped my bag by the door, following Happy into the rest of the house.

"Make yourself at home," Happy said, "I know it isn't much."

I smiled at him, "I think it's just fine."

I took a seat on the couch, watching Happy move about in the small kitchen. He opened teh fridge and pulled out a pizza box.

"I got dome left overs if you're hungry," he offered.

I nodded, "Thanks."

It was a little awkward, I had never been in a guys house. And I didn't really know what to say. Happy sat next to me and turned on the tv. He leaned back on the couch, resting his arm on the back. I scooted closer, laying my head on his shoulder. I smiled, feeling his arm wrap around my shoulders and pulling me closer.

I opened my eyes and stretched, my body feeling stiff. I had fallen asleep on the couch, Happy was snoring gently beside me. My stomach growled and I stood up, careful not to disturb him.I moved silently over to the kitchen, pulling out the box of pizza. I took a slice out and placed on a paper towel before popping it into the microwave.

As it cooked, I looked around the room trying to find what looked like a bathroom. I headed down the small hallway, pushing open a door. I silently cheered when I saw a toilet. Go me, found it on the first try.

I heard the beeping of the microwave as I washed my hands.

"Shit," I muttered to myself. It was loud! I turned off the water, wiping my hands quickly on my shirt when I couldn't find a towel.

I hurried out to the kitchen to retrieve my pizza. I blushed when I saw Happy standing there, holding my food.

"I'm sorry," I muttered, "I was trying to be quiet." I was embarrassed that I had woken him up. Now I felt bad.

"Don't worry about it baby girl. I'm hungry too," He said, handing me my pizza and getting his own slice, eating it cold.

We both ate our food in silence. When I was finished, I wiped the grease off my hands with the paper towel before throwing it away. I stifled a yawn.

"You still tired?" Happy asked. I nodded.

Happy finished the last bite and held out his hand to me. I took his hand, letting him lead me to a bedroom.

"This will probably be more comfortable than sleeping on the couch."

I chuckled, "Yeah, maybe just a bit."

"Do you want me to sleep on the couch?"

I shook my head quickly, "No, it's your house. You can sleep in your own bed."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

I smiled and nodded, "Yeah. Now come on, I'm tired." I quickly climbed under the covers, waiting for Happy.

He stripped off his shirt showing his many, many, MANY tattoos and got in bed beside me. I smiled and snuggled close to him.

"Goodnight Happy," I whispered, closing my eyes.

"Goodnight baby girl."

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