Chapter Nineteen

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"How are you feeling?" I asked Half-Sack as he cleaned the bar. Happy had gone straight to Church when we got back.

Sack nodded, not looking at me.

"I'm fine," he mumbled. He didn't look fine. His nose was bandaged, a cut lip and a very prominent black eye shone.

"You know I wasn't trying to catch you naked, right?" Half-Sack pleaded with me.

"Yeah, I know that. Happy is just a bit protective," I explained, "I'm sorry. I didn't think he was going to do this."

Sack scoffed, "Yeah you did."

"Okay, maybe I had a bit of an idea. I didn't think he would actually try to KILL you though."

He walked off and the doors of Church opened. I spun around in my seat to see everyone file out. Happy made his way over to me.

"We're going out tonight," he said, my father coming to stand beside him, "We found the guys who took you."

I took a deep breathe trying to calm the anxiety that was in my gut. I nodded, looking at him.

"Be careful okay?" I said.

"I will. I'll come back to you baby girl," Happy promised, "Your Dad is going to stay with you tonight. Please don't go anywhere without him?"

"I promise," I said.

Happy and everyone left later on that evening, leaving me and my dad as pretty much the only people in the clubhouse. I groaned from my spot, laying on the couch with my head in my fathers lap.

"I'm bored," I whined.

"Then go to sleep," Dad said, looking over at me.

I shook my head, "I want to go do something."


I sat up with a grin, "Well my favorite band is playing a small gig. I would really love to go."

"I don't know Steph," Dad said, shaking his head slowly, "I don't think you should go out. So many things could go wrong."

"But you'll be with me!" I pleaded, grabbing his arm, "And we'll just go there and come straight back. Please? I can't just lay here and think about what is going on out there with the club."

Dad sighed, not saying anything for a bit before finally nodding.

"Okay fine," he said, standing up, "We'll go for a little bit. But we're not staying for the whole show."

"Deal!" I jumped up squealing as I hugged him, "I'm going to go get changed."

I ran back to the dorms to quickly change from my sweatpants into some jeans. After I changed, I meant my dad outside by his bike. I took the helmet he offered me and climbed on the back as I clipped the helmet on.

I could barely contain my excitement as we pulled up to the venue. I quickly got off of my dad's bike, hanging my helmet on the handle bars.

"Calm down," Dad said, trying to keep up with me as I made my way to the ticket booth to pay the entry fee.

"Sorry girl," the man in the booth said, "All sold out."

I frowned, "Seriously?"

"No just kidding," the guy replied rolling his eyes.

I crossed my arms, glaring at him.

"What's wrong?' Dad asked, catching up with me finally.

"He won't let me in. Says they're all sold out. And he's being a real prick about it," I explained, still glaring at the man.

"Meet me inside," Dad said, pushing me towards the door.

I nodded, walking around the booth and going inside. I stood by the door, waiting for my dad as the band began tuning their instruments to start their first set. The place was packed, I couldn't see a single place to stand at. I spotted a merch table to my left and I made my way over.

I pulled out the money Happy had left me in case I needed anything. Right now I needed everything at this table. But I settled for a t-shirt and paid for it. I heard the band start up for the first song as I pulled the shirt on over my tank top. I looked around to see if my dad had finally made his way in.

I spotted him by the door, looking around the room. I rushed over to him, pulling on his hand.

"Come on, let's try to find a closer spot," I said, pulling him into the crowd.

I sang along to the songs, avoiding the mosh pit that was getting closer to me. I was a little sad that I wasn't as close as I wanted to be but I wasn't in the way back so I was happy about that. The lead singer announced that they were going to take a quick break to check out a technical problem they had been having through the last couple songs.

I turned to dad, "I'm thristy. Let's find something to drink?"

Dad nodded, sticking his arm out to push back people so we could make out way through the crowd. I found a bar, no alcohol much to the dismay of dad. I got a soda, nodding when dad told me he was going to piss. I stuck close to the bar so that he could find me when he got back without being in anyone's way.

I heard a familiar voice and I turned around to find the source. I spotted it about 200 feet away from me. My stomach dropped and I turned around, keeping my face hidden so they didn't see me. I stomped my foot impatiently waiting for dad to get back.

"Finally," I breathed out when I saw him making his way through the crowd to the bar.

"Bathroom's are apparently a myth here," he mumbled, "What's wrong?"

"I want to go," I said, putting my drink back on the car.

"Why? We can stay a little bit longer," Dad said.

I shook my head, "No, I want to leave."

"Why?" he pressed.

I sighed, "You see that guy standing there? Talking to the blonde in the red top?"

Dad looked passed me, "Yeah, what about him?"

"That's Derek," I hissed, "Now can we please leave?"

Dad's eyes narrowed and pushed past me, i mentally cursed myself for not seeing this coming. I turned around, trying to grasp at his arm and stop him but he just shrugged me off. I watched him walk up behind Derek. In seconds he grabbed Derek by the back of the neck, slamming his face into the bar in front of him. Once, twice, three times.

I groaned, covering my face. The blonde Derek had been talking to kept screaming. Calling for help and screaming that my dad was a psychopath. I moved forward, hip checking the girl into the bar and knocking her off balance.

i reached down, where Dad was sitting on top of Derek punching him in the face, and grabbed the back of his cut.

"Dad. Dad! Stop." It took everything in me to pull him off.

Dad was breathing heavily, Derek on the floor bleeding from his mouth, nose, every where he could bleed from on his face it seemed. Honestly I couldn't tell where he was bleeding from, there was so much blood.

"Dad, let's go," I whispered, looking around at the venue. Everyone had stopped what they were doing to stare at us. Band included.

Dad pointed at Derek, "This is only the beginning."

He took my wrist, dragging me out of the venue and back to the parking lot. I didn't argue, he was pretty pissed. He started the bike, waiting for me to get on. I put on the helmet and climbed on, holding on as we took off. The only thing going through my brain was me hoping Happy wasn't back yet so maybe he wouldn't find out about tonight.

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