Chapter Nine

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Happy leaned against the same table we had sat and talked at the first night I was here. I looked around watching the few people who were outside, move about. I looked at Happy as he lit a cigarette.

"So what do we need to talk about?" I asked, sticking my hands in my pockets awkwardly.

"You seemed bothered by something earlier today and you didn't tell me why. I'm going to assume that by the way you just reacted it has something to do with Britney," he said, exhaling smoke.

I scoffed, "I'm shocked someone like her actually has a name. I normally just call them hoe."

Happy rolled his eyes, "Are you going to tell me what is wrong?"

I shrugged, "Nothing."

"I don't believe you," he said.

"I'm sorry, sounds like a personal problem."

Happy sighed, "Are you going to tell me or do I have to guess?"

"You can if you want," I said, sitting on the table.

Happy nodded, "Okay. I'm going to guess that you got jealous."

"Jealous? Of what?" I snapped.

Happy flicked the cigarette away and looked at, leaning closer to me, "Because you show how close she was to me. I'm assuming you figured out already that I've slept with her. And I think you're jealous because you want me for yourself."

My face burned at his words and I quickly turned away.

"That's not true," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Happy chuckled, "Is that so? Because I think it's very much true."

I shook my head quickly.

"I still don't believe you." I could feel his breath on my ear as he leaned closer.

"Don't be ashamed. I'm not embarrassed to say that I want you," he whispered in my ear.

My eyes widened and I could feel my face get hotter. I hopped off the table, not looking at him.

"I have to go." I hurriedly made my way to my car. I got in, starting it and drove away without looking back at him.

Happy's POV:

Stephanie hadn't returned my texts since what I said at the party Wednesday. I hadn't really been at the shop since then so I didn't know if she had been by. Today was my first day really being around everyone. I was talking to Juice when he looked up, motioning to something behind me.

I looked up, seeing Hale's Jeep pull into the shop. I stood up, my eyes narrowing and my jaw tightening when I saw Stephanie in the passenger seat. I headed over to the car as he parked, Stephanie getting out of the car.

"Stephanie?" I called out her name. She looked over, giving me a small smile.

'Hey Happy," she greeted me.

I stood beside her, staring down Hale as I spoke to her.

"What's going on here?"

"We just went to lunch. Remember I kind of stood him up last weekend," she explained, "He was giving me a ride back."

I nodded, "Okay. Well she's back. You get back to whatever it is that you do Deputy."

Hale glared at me, "Always so welcoming the SONs are."

"We do our best," I replied.

I watched him come around to our side of the car and pulled Stephanie into a quick hug. I saw her stiffen. He held onto her a little longer than I was comfortable with. Placing my hand on his shoulder, I pushed him back roughly.

"That's enough," I snarled, "She's not comfortable."

Hale didn't say anything to me, just said goodbye to Stephanie and got into his car. I watched him leave the lot before turning to Stephanie.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded, "Thanks. I wasn't really expecting that. I wasn't really expecting seeing him either, he kind of cornered me at the cafe."

"I don't like you being around him," I said, looking at her.

"I'm not exactly the biggest fan of him either," she said, turning and walking towards the clubhouse, "Is Opie here? We have to leave soon."

"Leave?" I asked, falling in step beside her.

"He's helping me go get my stuff from my dorm. I still haven't moved it all out."

"Why didn't you ask me?"

She shrugged, "I dunno. You weren't there?"

"Well I'm here now," I countered.

"I figured you would be busy."

"I'm not," I said.

She sighed and stopped walking, looking at me. "Do you want to come?"

I grinned, "I thought you would never ask."

She rolled her eyes but smiled. "You're a fucking weirdo."

Stephanie's POV:

I jumped out of the truck, shutting the door behind me. I threw the cigarette away from me, looking around the campus.

"It's so weird to be back," I said to Happy as he came over to me.

Happy rubbed my shoulder, "Lets just get this done and over with and we can leave."

I nodded and led them into the building. I heard the door to the stairwell open as we continued our way up. I looked up out of reflex to see who was coming down the stairs. I stopped in the tracks, the color draining from my face.

"Stephanie?" Opie said, looking at me, confused as to why I had stopped.

"Stephanie," Derek said, a smile on his face as he stopped at the top on the stairs, looking down at us, 'I was wondering where you were. I keep coming by your dorm but your roommate says you're always gone."

I took a step back wards, closer to Happy. I felt his hand on my hip as tried to get away.

"Derek," My voice was cracking.

"Opie," Happy spoke up, "Take Stephanie to her room and help her."

Opie nodded, reaching his hand out to me. I took it, squeezing close to him trying to be as far away from Derek as we passed him. I felt another panic attack coming and my legs shook as I leaned on Opie, trying to get to my room as quickly as possible.

Happy's POV:

Derek looked at me, the smile still on his face. I walked up to the landing, still staring him down.

"Is there a problem?" Derek asked. The cockiness in his voice made me want to break every bone in his body.

My hand shot out, gripping his throat and yanking him backwards into the wall. I tightened my grip as I pressed him to the wall by the throat.

"I know what you did. Her father knows what you did. We ALL know what you did. Understand that this is a promise," I growled, "You will die. Unfortunately for you, I like to torture before I end your pathetic little life."

I could feel him swallow as the fear became evident on his face, "I'll et you live with the fear of looking over your shoulder for a while. You'll never see it coming. But when it does, I will enjoy EVERY last second of it."

I let go of him, leaving him standing there gasping for air and rubbing his throat. I left the stairwell, looking for Stephanie's name on her door. I finally found it, knocking on it gently.

"Who is it?"

"It's me baby girl," I answered. I heard the door unlock and I turned the knob, pushing it open.

There weren't many packed boxes, but I could see that they had started. Stephanie's face was red and tear stained. I took her hand and pulled her to me. Wrapping my arms around her waist, she rest her head on my chest. I rubbed her back, shushing the little whimpers that escaped.

Opie watched silently but didn't say anything. I hated the fact that she felt so scared and I hated how soft I was when I was around her. Just looking at her made me melt, and I was pretty sure everyone could tell.

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