Chapter Six

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I was sitting outside with Jax and Juice, listening to their bullshit conversation as I smoked. Happy was out doing something for the club. I felt a vibration in my pocket and I pulled out my phone, expecting it to be Happy.

Instead it was a number I didn't recognize or have saved in my phone. I opened the message, my blood running cold when I read it.

"Hey it's Derek (: Bethany gave me your number."

I could feel my hand shake as I stared at my phone.

"Steph? Stephanie what wrong?" Jax asked, noticing my expression.

He reached for my phone but I snatched it out of his reach. I threw my cigarette away.

"Nothing. I'm going to lay down. I'm gonna use your room," I told him, getting up quickly and going inside.

I locked myself in Jax's room and sat on the bed, my face in my hands. My fingers gripped my hair as the tears fell. I crawled up Jax's bed, curling into a ball as I cried. The smell of him on his pillow filled my nostrils.

"Stephanie. Stephanie, wake up." I shaken awake. I opened my eyes only to see my dad and Jax standing over me, Opie standing in the doorway.

Panic set in and I sat up quickly, backing away form them.

"Get away from me!" I freaked out, tears falling again.

'Woah woah, hun. It's me. It's Dad," he said, reaching for me.

"No!" I shrieked, kicking at him. I wailed, covering my head.

"Steph, what is wrong?" Jax stepped closer to the other side of the bed.

"Get away from me!" I screamed again. I flailed, throwing my hand out, nailing my dad in the cheek.

"Son of a bitch! Stephanie, calm down." He rubbed his face.

I felt hands wrap around my wrist, as my dad tried to prevent me from hitting him again. I only screamed louder, trying to break away from him. Footsteps hurried down the hall.

"Move," a deep voice spoke, pushing Opie out of the doorway.

Happy towered over the bed, shoving my dad off of it causing him to break his hold. Happy couched down in front of me and spoke softly, softer than I thought he possibly could.

"Stephanie, relax. You're okay," He assured me, "It's Happy, you know me. You're safe, I won't hurt you and no one else here will. I promise."

"What the hell is going on here?" Dad snapped.

"Shut up," Happy growled and turned back to me, "You trust me right?"

I nodded, my sight blurred by tears.

"Happy," I sobbed, covering my face with my hands.

"Shh," he soothed, gathering me in his arms and pulling me onto his lap. I gripped his shirt, soaking it with my tears. After a few minutes the tears had stopped and I had calmed down. Happy continued to hold me and rub my back gently.

I turned my head to my dad, peeking at him. Him, Jax and Opie looked confused, unsure what to think about what was happening.

"Stephanie," Happy said my name softly.

I looked up at him. He gently pushed a piece of hair out of my face.

"You need to tell him."

I shook my head, turning away from him and hiding my face in his chest.

"Stephanie, he's your dad. You have to tell him."

"I don't want everyone to know," I said softly.

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