Chapter Ten

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I sat down next to my dad, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Tough day?" he said.

I nodded, "I saw Derek today. He was at the dorms."

"Did he say anything to you?"

"Only that he had been looking for me," I said, "But I didn't stick around to talk to him. Happy did though."

"I wonder how that conversation went," Dad mused.

"I'm assuming that there wasn't much talking if I had to guess," I said with a chuckle.

"No I suppose not," he said.

We sat there in silence,  my head on my Dad's shoulder. I missed just being a little girl and being able to sit in his lap. Back when everything was so simple and life wasn't hell. Where did those days go?

I felt a buzz in my pocket and I sat up, pulling my phone out.

"Meet me outside."

"I got to go," I said, slipping the phone back into my pocket.

I hopped off the stool, heading outside in time to see Happy pulling into the lot. I smiled, waving at him a bit when he parked next to me. He turned off his bike, getting off of it.

"Hey babe," he said, kissing me on the cheek.

"H-hey," I said, blushing.

"So I have a question for you," he said, leaning on his bike.

"What's that?"

"Would you like to go out on a date with me?" he asked.

I was taken aback. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, sure. That sounds nice."

Happy chuckled, "You don't have to if you want to."

I shook my head, "I do. Just a bit surprised."

"Why? I believe I told you quite clearly that I wanted you."

I nodded, "Yeah, i just figured you were teasing me."

Happy shook his head, 'Nope. Complete honesty. There's just something about you, you make me a gentler person. You make me softie."

I laughed, "There's no way you're a softie."

"Don't get me wrong, I can still be heartless and savage. Especially when it comes to you. No one will ever make the mistake of hurting you, not when you're around me. And if they do, I assure you, they won't make the same mistake twice."

I felt tears in my eyes, "Happy.."

"Oh don't get all sappy on me now. So will you go on a date with me?"

I smiled and nodded quickly.

"Good. I'll meet you at your motel." He gave me another kiss before going into the clubhouse.

There was a knock on the door. I pulled it open to reveal Happy. Stepping aside, I allowed him into the room, shutting the door behind him.

"So what are we going to do?" I asked.

"Well we could have some fabulous night out or I figured we could spend the night in," Happy said.

I nodded, "Okay. Not typical but I'm not complaining."

I watched Happy pull off his boots and sit on my bed.

"So what did you and Derek talk about?" I asked, getting a beer from the fridge.

"No offense Steph, but I really don't want to talk about him," Happy said with a sigh.

"What do you want to talk about then?" I asked.

"Tell me about you," Happy said,  taking the beer I handed to him.

I took a seat at the table, "There's not much to tell. My mom was Chib's old lady, I was born. But then she found out he was married already in Ireland and she split."

"Where's your mom now?" Happy asked.

I sighed, taking a sip of my beer. "She's dead, she died four years ago. She had cancer."

Happy frowned, "I'm sorry. My mom is sick too."

"I hope she gets better," I said.

Happy shrugged,"It doesn't look good. I try to help her out as much as possible and make things easier for her."

"That's good. I took care of my mom right until she died."

"So after she died did you search for you dad?" Happy asked, getting up and joining me at the table.

I shook my head, "No, I knew who he was. I was four when she left him so I still remembered. And she was very open about who my father was. She didn't tell me where to find him but she talked fondly of him."

"So how did you find him?" Happy asked, putting the empty beer can on the table.

"My mother left some papers when she died, I was able to find a name and a last known address. It wasn't too hard. Once the address took me to the club house, I talked to Gemma and found out when he was. It was quite the reunion," I said with a smile, thinking back to the day, "Dad cried. A lot."

Happy chuckled, "You guys are pretty close."

"It was a bit awkward for a little bit but it didn't take long for us to fall into the father/daughter role," I admitted.

"If you found him four years ago, why is it that I am just now meeting you and seeing you around the clubhouse?"

"My mom left me all the things I needed to find Dad, but she left very specific instructions in her will that she wanted me to finish high school and live with my grandparents while I was still a minor," I took a sip of my beer, talking about my mom was alway emotional for me, "School was always so important to my mother so I kept the promise I made her and finished high school. I stayed in touch with Dad the whole time. Coming to see him when I could."

Happy nodded, waiting for me to continue.

"When I graduated, I applied to college, still trying to make my mom proud. I applied to the closest college to my dad so I could be closer to him. And well, you know how that turned out," I said softly, finishing my beer.

Happy nodded, "Well I'm sorry for your loss."

I gave him a smile, "Thanks Happy."

Happy's POV:

I pulled into the parking lot at the shop. I tried my best to hide my emotions on the outside, but on the inside I couldn't contain how happy I was. I spotted Stephanie outside, sitting next to Chibs.

"Good morning beautiful," I greeted her, leaning down to kiss her temple. She only grumbled in response.

"I wouldn't talk to her until she gets at least that first cup of coffee in her," Chibs said, lighting a cigarette and motioning to the coffee in her hand.

"Ah, I think I can handle her," I said, giving her shoulder a squeeze and heading into the shop.

"Hey Jax," I greeted the VP.

"I heard you and Stephanie had a hot date the other night," He said with a grin.

I shot him a glare, "Don't you start Jax. I'll break your teeth."

Jax held up his hands, "I'm not saying anything brother. Stephanie told me about it. I'm actually grateful."

"What do you mean?"

"Happy, we're brothers. I trust you with my life. But I was worried when you and Stephanie started getting close, I was afraid she was going to end up like every other girl under your belt."

I nodded, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"But like I said, she told me about the date. And I'm happy you didn't take it too far."

"Don't worry Jax, I'm interested in more than what's between her legs," I assured him.

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