Chapter Twenty Three

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I sat at the bar, completely ignoring the glass and drinking the whiskey from the bottle. I had been here since Stephanie left almost four hours ago, just getting drunker and drunker.

I tried to drink away the guilt and anger I felt. I fucked up, I knew that. But how could she just drop me like I meant nothing. Then again I guess it looks like she meant nothing to me.

I sighed loudly, taking another sip. For once the clubhouse was mostly quiet. The rest of the guys were out at Cara Cara for a wrap party while I sat here drinking myself stupid. The door opening made me turn in my seat to see who was back.

Stephanie closed the door softly behind her and turned to face the rest of the room. She jumped a bit, as if she was startled to see someone around. Hanging her head, she hurried past the bar and towards the dorms.

As she passed me I reached out and grabbed her wrist. Standing up from my seat, I pulled her to me, pressing her against me. I wrapped my arms around me, holding her tightly.

She didn't return the hug but she didn't push away. I stroked her hair softly.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered, "I'm stupid and a fool. I have no excuse, there is no excuse. I promised you I would never hurt you and I did. I deserve every bit of anger and hate you feel towards me. But I can't stand seeing you with someone else."

"You were with someone else," Stephanie mumbled into my chest.

"You're right. But please if you're going to hate me, at least be with me while you do. I don't want to be without you, I just want a chance to fix this," I said, my voice breaking. I swallowed back the tears before they could fall.

We stood there in silence. Stephanie didn't say anything. I felt her move in my arms and I thought she was going to push me away. Instead she wound her arms around my waist, hugging me. I smiled, resting my head on hers and tightening my hold. I didn't want to let her go.

Stephanie's POV:

I woke up, sun streaming in through the window and in my face. I groaned and rolled over onto my side trying to block out the sun. The bed shifted behind me and an arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to the person beside me.

I looked down at the arm, tracing the outline of the tattoos.

"Good morning beautiful," Happy's rough morning voice met my ears. I felt him press his lips to the back of my head.

"Morning Hap," I said with a sigh, giving up on sleeping more.

I sat up, sliding his arm off of me. I climbed out of the small bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. When I got out Happy was mostly dressed, sitting on the bed and rolling a joint.

"So what are you doing today?" I asked him and I brushed my hair.

"I'm thinking of riding up to see my mom," he answered, putting the joint in his mouth and lighting it.

I nodded, "I'm gonna go to the hospital and see Dad. They said he should be out in a couple days."

"Good," Happy said, offering the joint to me. I shook my head, politely declining.

I finished getting dressed, sitting on the bed when I was done and watching Happy move around the room and get dressed. When he was finished, he slipped on his cut and held his hand out to me. I took it and followed him out of the room.

"I'll text you when I'm on my way back," Happy said, leaning against my open car door as I sat in the drivers seat.

I nodded. Happy leaned down and kissed me gently.

"Be careful baby girl," he said softly.

"You too." I shut the door and started the car. Happy took a step back, watching me as I pulled out of the lot.

"Well I see someone is feeling better," I greeted Dad, seeing him walking down the hallway back to his room.

He shrugged, "I feel like super man when I'm on these pain killers. I need to get some of these to go."

I chuckled, reaching out and grasping his arm as he swayed a bit. I helped support him back to his room and his bed.

"So any word on when you can go home?" I asked, dumping out the old water in the flower vase and replacing it with clean water.

"They say it could be tomorrow," Dad answered me as he got comfortable in bed.

I nodded, "Good. Everyone will be glad to see you back." I placed the flowers back on the table.

"How are you doing love? You seemed upset the other night," he said, eyeing me with suspicion as I took a seat in the other chair.

I shrugged, "I'm alright I guess."

"You guess?"

"Happy hooked up with someone."

"Ah," Dad said, looking up at the ceiling, "did you gut him?"

I shook my head, "no. I went out with the Deputy."

Dad laughed, "you're just like your mother."

"How so?"

"Oh I made the same mistake Happy did once," he explained, looking at me, "your mom was pissed, I thought she was going to slit my throat."

"She didn't?" I asked.

Dad shook his head, "No, she went out with this guy, Nate I think his name was. He was pining after her since middle school. She knew it would hurt me more. And she was right, it destroyed me."

"How did you make it up to her?" I was curious. I didn't know how to get over this with Happy.

"She made me work for a long time. I guess after so long without fucking up again, she started trusting me again."

I nodded, "Happy and I are still together. I just don't know how to work through it."

"It'll happen in time. It's different in every relationship."

"Yeah." I looked at the TV, hardly paying attention to the show.

"I'm sorry you're here," I said softly.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Because you're here because of me," I said sadly.

Dad shook his head, "That's not true. I'm here cause I beat that losers ass. And I would do it again. You're my daughter, I'll take more than a little flesh wound for you."

I smiled, reaching over and taking his hand.

"I'm glad you're coming home. I hate you being in here. Ever since mom..." I trailed off.

Dad squeezed my hand, "I'm not going anywhere."

"I know. I just hated leaving your side. I left moms for an hour and she died." I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"You left to finish exams. Your mom was proud of you, I know it. And she'd been even prouder to see where you are now. Even if you are an old lady," Dad added that last part with a grin.

I giggled, "I hope so. I've tried my best."

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