Chapter Eleven

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I sat next to Happy, my head on his shoulder as he smoked. I reached over and took the cigarette from him, inhaling smoke and handing it back to him.

I watched a car pull in and a blonde step out of the car. I sat up, getting off the table.

"Stephanie!" the girl squealed, running over to me and wrapping her arms around me.

"I've been trying to reach you!" she said, pulling away from me.

"How did you find me Bethany?" I asked, cooly.

"Derek said he saw some biker thugs with you when you moved out. It didn't take a brain surgeon to figure it out."

I sighed, looking over at Happy.

"You've been talking to Derek?" I asked, looking back at Bethany.

"Well yeah, I figured after you guys hooked up that you would still be talking to him," she said with a shrug, flashing Happy a smile, "Whose this handsome man?"

Happy got off the table, standing beside me.

"Her boyfriend," he said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Derek and I didn't hook up," I corrected Bethany.

She furrowed her brows, "He's been telling everyone about it."

"Oh god," I groaned, "Bethany, the fuck head raped me!"

Bethany took a step back like she had just been hit, "What? No. He wouldn't do that."

"I can't believe you just told me no I didn't get raped." I couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth.

Bethany shook her head, "It's not that. It's just...hard to think about. It's a bit of a shock."

I nodded, "Yeah, how do you think I feel?"

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to down play everything. I just didn't know. He doesn't seem to be that type of person."

"They never do," I mumbled.

I leaned into Happy, feeling my chest tighten. "I don't feel too good," I mumbled into his cut.

Happy rubbed my back, "Go lay down baby girl." He kissed the top of my head.

I nodded, looking at Bethany, "I'm staying at the motel down the road. Why don't you come by later tonight and we can talk."

"Yeah sure. I'll see you tonight," she said with a small smile. I watched her get back into her car before going into the clubhouse.

I stood in front of the frozen pizza, trying to decide what I wanted to eat for dinner.

"A lot of choices." I jumped at the voice behind me.

I turned around to see who it was. "Evening Deputy."

"Late night snack?" Hale said. I just nodded, turning back to the pizza.

"So I got a visitor today." he said.

"Is that so?" I asked, opening the freezer door and picking a pizza.

"Yeah, a friend of yours. Bethany," Hale explained, following me to the check out, "Said she thought you were in danger. Hanging around some dangerous people."

"Bethany you said? Name doesn't ring a bell," I lied, handing my cash over to the clerk, "How did she say she knew me?"

"You went to college together. She also mentioned something that may have happened at a party."

My blood ran cold and I looked at him. I motioned for him to follow me out to my car, not wanting to discuss this in the store. I threw my bags into the passenger seat of my car.

"What did she say?" I asked, turning to look at him.

"That you claim to have been raped at a party."

I crossed my arms, chewing on my lip. "That wasn't her information to tell."

Hale shook his head, "No. But I told her I would do a welfare check."

"Well as you can see I'm fine," I snapped.

Hale nodded, "I see that. But why didn't you tell me? I could've done something about it."

I sighed and walked over to the drivers side, "Maybe I didn't want anything to be done. Maybe I just wanted to get away from it all. But it seems as though its followed me home."

I got into the car, driving off without saying anything else to him. I pulled out my phone, dialing my dad as I drove.

"Hey hun," Dad answered.

"I'm sorry Daddy, didn't mean to wake you up," I said with a chuckle.

"No problem lass. What's up?"

"I need you to take care of something for me. Just you, Happy and Jax don't need to know."

"What's up?"

"Hale knows about Derek. Bethany told him, he found me at the grocery store and questioned me about it."

"Well shit. What do you want me to do about it?" he asked.

"I just want to know if you can find out if Hale can actually do anything. I really don't want police poking around in this shit."

"He can't do anything unless you press charges," Dad replied.

"That's not completely true," I corrected, "But either way, I want to handle this my way."

"Alright, I'll ask around, maybe see if I can throw him a bone in the wrong direction."

"Thanks Daddy. Is Happy there?" I asked.

"I dunno, he said something about going to see his mother."

"Oh okay, well I'll find him later. Goodnight."

"Goodnight hun," he said before hanging up.

When I got to the motel I saw Bethany's car parked outside, she was leaning against it. I got out of my car, slamming the door behind me and storming over to her.

"What the hell is your deal?" I screamed.

"What are you talking about?" she jumped at the tone of my voice.

"I tell you about what happened to Derek and you go to the fucking cops? That's not your place!"

"I was worried about you. That guy seemed like he had some hold over you and they don't look like the greatest people," Bethany shot back.

"Oh shut up! You didn't even believe me when I told you what happened. And that "guy" his name is Happy and he's the only one who has been there for me!" My voice got louder, "Now get the fuck out of here! I never want to see your face again!"

Bethany searched for her keys in her pocket. Her hands shook as she unlocked the door. She got into the car and drove off in such a rush she clipped the side of my car, hitting the headlight.

"Jesus Christ you dumb bitch!" I screeched, "I JUST GOT MY CAR FUCKING FIXED."

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