Chapter Twenty

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Unfortunately I wasn't that lucky. I saw Happy as soon as we pulled into the shop. He was leaning on his bike, waiting for us. Dad parked his bike and I got off.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly.

Dad nodded, "Nothing some whiskey won't fix."

He patted me on the arm, heading into the clubhouse. I sighed loudly, walking over to Happy.

"Hey," I said, "How long have you been back?"

"A while," he said, pulling out a cigarette and offering me one.

I took it, lighting it.

"Where did you guys go?" Happy asked, eyeing my shirt.

"Went to go see a show," I said casually, "Saw Derek."

Happy's eyes narrowed, "Where?"

"At the show. Dad put his face through the bar a couple times," I said with a sigh, "So I guess we'll have some visitors around here soon."

Happy shook his head, "You should've stayed here."

"I didn't want to. I want to go out and not lay about here thinking and worrying about you," I said.

Happy put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me against him.

"You shouldn't worry so much. I'll be fine," he said, kissing my temple.

"I can't help but worry. You worry about me," I countered.

Happy nodded, "Yes. Because you are in danger, I'm supposed to worry about you."

"But I can take care of myself for the most part." I said, stepping away from him, "You keep me under lock and key like I'm a damn child Happy. I can't stay coped up."

"You knew what you were getting yourself into. We just had a whole conversation about it," he said, "You can't say you understand and then act like you don't get it. I told you things were going to be different, that there would be a tighter leash on you. Someone just beat the ever living SHIT out of you."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not a child Happy. You need to stop treating me like one."

I headed into the clubhouse, now thoroughly agitated by the whole conversation. I passed dad and Jax.

"How's your hand?" I asked dad.

He just shrugged, "I'll be okay love. Don't worry about me."

I nodded, kissing his cheek. "I'm gonna go to bed. Can I use your room?" I asked Jax.

Jax nodded, "Yeah, what about Happy's?"

I just shrugged, heading back to the dorms. "I just want to sleep alone tonight."

Happy's POV:

Stephanie was still annoyed with me from last night, though I'm not quite sure why. I'm only trying to keep her safe. Whatever, I'll just give her space and she'll come back around. I turned my attention back to the prospect and Tig that were in the boxing ring. The prospect was holding his own, but I only give him one more round before Tig knocks him on his ass.

"So what's going on between you and Stephanie?" Chibs spoke beside me.

I shrugged, not taking my eyes off the match, "I don't know. She got irritated, said I was treating her like a child just cause I want to keep her safe."

Chibs chuckled, "She's so much like her mother. I remember when we had that huge war with the Mayans, I tried to keep Claire in lock down but she just wasn't having it. I followed her day and night, without letting her see me of course, just to make sure she was okay."

"Did she ever come around and listen to you?" I asked hopefully.

"Hell no," Chibs said, "And Stephanie won't either. She broken and fragile, but she's still got a fight in her. She's going to want her freedom and all you can do is give it to her."

He paused. When he spoke again, his voice was softer, "Or else she'll get smothered and take off."

I looked at him, "What are you talking about?"

Chibs sighed, "Claire took off when Stephanie was a young girl. Said she couldn't take being watched all the time. Couldn't stand not being able to go where she wanted when she wanted."

I nodded slowly. This isn't the same story Steph told me.

"You'll just have to learn to compromise," he said, "The only worse than having an old lady take off, is have her take off with your kid. I've been there."

"Yeah," I muttered, turning back to the match. Half-Sack was clinging to the ropes, trying to catch his breath.

"I think that's enough for today," Clay spoke, "We still need someone to clean up after us. Don't kill him Tig."

Tig nodded, taking off his gloves and throwing them aside. He offered his hand to Half-Sack and helped him back into the clubhouse.

The sound of car doors shutting grabbed all of our attentions. I turned around to see a green SUV pull out. I recognized the person who stepped out as part of Darby's crew. I moved forward but Chibs stopped me, looking at the rest of the SONs that were outside.

"My daughter, my fight."

I nodded, respecting his request but I left my guard up, ready to back him up if I needed to.

"What's going on?" a soft voice spoke up beside me.

"Nothing baby girl," I said, pulling her close to me, "Your dad is just going to talk to them."

"Do you think it has something to do with last night?" she asked, her eyes never leaving her father.

"I don't know," I said softly.

We both stood there, eyes fixed on what was going on only 200 feet away. All of us ready to make a move. I couldn't tell what was happening, only that they were talking about something. Voices were getting louder as the conversation got more heated.

I looked behind me, "Juice, take Stephanie back inside."

Juice nodded, reaching for Stephanie. She snatched her arm away, refusing to be moved.

'Baby girl, please just-"

"Dad!" Stephanie screamed, ripping herself out of my hold.

I turned, seeing Chibs fall to the ground. My reflexes were quick, but not quick enough, as I reached for Stephanie trying to pull her back to me as the others rushed around us to get to Chibs. But my hold wasn't that tight and she broke free easily, darting to her father.

"God dammit," I cursed, going after her.

She reached her dad, just seconds before Jax or Tig did, pushing past them on her way there. Stephanie threw herself at the guys, trying to land a punch on them. They only laughed, tossing her aside, causing her to fall.

I charged at them, my hand going around the throat of the man who pushed her, as I slammed him into the hood of his car.

"We told you to stay away from Derek," the man choked out.

I applied more pressure onto his throat, "And I told you we were going to kill him. And now I'm going to kill you."

Pulling out the knife from the holster, I quickly shoved it into the man stomach. I watched his face as it twisted into pain. I let go, letting him drop down in front of the car. I turned to Stephanie, who was by this time kneeling next to her father. His head cradled in her lap.

I could see a blood coming out from his side. I gently pulled Stephanie away as she sobbed, trying to get back to her dad.

"Baby, we have to let them get him inside. He'll be okay, he's been through worse, I promise."

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