Chapter Five

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I was standing outside the Teller-Morrow shop talking to Happy when I heard my name called. 

"Stephanie, what's going on?" Dad said, getting closer to us. His accent was thicker meaning he was pissed. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked. 

"Happy will you excuse us for a moment?"

Happy nodded, walking off to the boxing ring where Tigs and Half-Sack were going at it. I could see him watching us out of the corner of my eye. 

"I just got a call from the college, you dropped out. What the hell? Why?" Dad demanded to know. 

I sighed, "I just had to dad, okay? I can make my own decisions. And I only dropped this semester, I can go back and re-enroll in the spring."

"When it involves your future you don't get to just make a call like this without telling me," Dad snapped. 

I rolled my eyes, "I just needed some time for me, college was getting to be too much for me to handle. Just be supportive of your damn daughter."

"I will not be supportive of stupid decisions."

"You make stupid decisions every day!" I snapped, "And I support you, you're still my fucking dad. So get off my case and give me my space."

"Don't talk to me like that!"

"Well don't fucking yell at me! Jesus no wonder mom fucking left you!" I screamed. 

Dad's eyes widened and I instantly regretted what I said.

"Dad," I said softly, "Dad, I'm sorry I didn't mean it."

"Yes you did," Dad said, turning on his heel and walking back into the clubhouse, slamming the door behind him. 

I groaned loudly. "Fuck!" I yelled. 

I walked over to Happy, standing beside him. I watched Tigs fight but I wasn't really paying attention.

"What was that all about?" he asked. 

I shrugged, "The school called him. He wanted to know why I had dropped out."

"And you didn't tell him?"

I shook my head, "Not right now. I'll probably have to tell him soon. I'll give him some time to calm down."

Happy nodded. A car horn got both of our attention and I turned to see Hale's Jeep pulling into the lot. 

"God dammit," I moaned, "Now this?"

"You want me to talk to him?" Happy offered. 

I gave him a sweet smile, "Please? Tell him I'll talk to him later?"

Happy nodded and I watched him meet Hale as he got out of his car. I watched as they talked, Hale kept looking over at me. 

"What's that all about?" Jax asked, coming to stand beside me.

"He's here to see me," I said. 

"I heard you stood him up."

I nodded, "Happy is asking him to leave. I don't really feel like talking to him right now."

"You and Happy have been spending a lot of time together," Jax noted. 

It was true, ever since I had told Happy why I had come back a couple nights ago, I was normally always talking to him or near him when I was at the club. Unless he was off doing a run. 

I just felt safer with him especially since he knew what was going on. He seemed to actually care, texting me when he was out and making sure I was okay. I didn't think someone who got a thrill out of killing like him would have such a soft side. 

I shrugged, "Just making a new friend is all."

"Well people are starting talk."

"About what?"

"That you and Happy are hooking up."

I groaned, "Seriously? You guys are such pigs." I watched Hale get back into his Jeep and back out of the lot. 

Happy headed back to me. 

"Here comes your boyfriend," Jax whispered before walking off. My cheeks burned and I glared at the back of Jax's head as he walked away. 

"He seems pretty heartbroken," Happy said when he returned. 

I grinned, "Maybe he's heard about the hot new couple around town."


"You and I," I said with a sigh, "Apparently the rumor around the clubhouse is that you and I are hooking up."

"Oh," Happy said. I could've sworn I saw him blush a bit. 

"I can get them to stop talking," Happy said. 

I shook my head. "Nah, there's worse people I could be hooking up with," I teased. 

Happy just nodded.

"I'm gonna try and go talk to my dad. I'll talk to you later," I said. 

"Let me know if you need me," Happy said. 

I nodded before disappearing into the clubhouse. I found Dad sitting at the bar, a scotch in his hand. How ironic. 

"This seat taken?" I asked before sitting on the stool next to him. 

He just shook his head, taking a sip of his drink. 

"Look dad," I said with a sigh, "I really am sorry about what I said. It was COMPLETELY out of line and there is no excuse for it. But I have my reasons for leaving school and I'm just not ready to talk about it."

Dad didn't say anything, just stared into the now empty cup. 

"Are you ever going to talk to me again?" I asked softly. 

"I really did love your mother," Dad said, his voice breaking. I felt even worse now. 

I placed my hand on his arm, "I know dad. And she loved you too, she would talk about you when I was growing up. When she died, she left me all the information to find you. I think she was just a bit confused, in ways that we'll never understand."

Dad nodded and looked at me, "You look so much like her Stephanie. If it wasn't for that awful Telford nose, you would be twins."

I laughed, "Yeah it is pretty bad isn't it? I've been thinking about getting a nose job."

Dad grinned and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me in for a hug. 

"I love you kid."

"I love you too, dad," I whispered, returning the hug. 

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