Chapter Twenty Two

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I pulled out my phone, seeing a text from Stephanie. I closed my eyes trying to push the guilt from my mind. I texted her back, asking her where she was. It didn't take long for her to answer that she was at the hospital.

I threw back a shot for courage and left the clubhouse. The ride all the way to the hospital was torture as I played out different scenarios in my head. They all ended the same however: her leaving me. And I couldn't blame her, I'd do the same. I don't know what overcame me or why I slipped back into my old ways. Even if I could, there was no excuse.

I pulled into a parking spot and turned off my bike. I pulled out my phone, asking her to meet me down stairs and I waited. After a few minutes Stephanie walked through the doors. The tightening in my chest only got worse.

"Why did you want me to come out here?" She asked, hugging herself as she looked at me.

I sighed, "because we need to talk."

"About what?" She seemed colder and I could see the wall going up. She just stared at me blankly.

"I fucked up."

"You fucked up or you fucked someone else?"

I didn't say anything. I hung my head, ashamed to even look at her. I could try and give her an explanation but it would be a waste of time.

"I see." I looked at her. Her lips were pressed together in a tight line. She was pissed.

"I'm really sorry," I said softly. My voice was going to break at any second but I was trying to hold it together.

"I'm sure you are," Stephanie said taking a step back, "Goodbye Happy."

Stephanie's POV:

"God dammit." I slammed my hand against my car window as I peered into it and spotted my car keys. Today just wasn't my day.

I sighed and looked around for something to break open the window with. I could have called Happy, but the last thing I wanted was to see his stupid bald face. I leaned against my car, wishing I had a cigarette.

Looking across the street at the police station I spotted Hale's Jeep in the parking lot. Pushing off of my car I made my way over.

"Can I help you?" A nice blonde asked from the counter when I walked in.

"Can I speak to Hale please? My name is Stephanie," I said with a smile.

She nodded and walked into the back. I stood there and waited. It didn't take long before I saw Hale. He greeted me with a smile and a hug.

"What are you doing here?" He asked when he finally gave me my space.

"Well I was visiting Dad and I kinda locked my keys in my car. I was wondering if you could give me a ride to the shop?" I batted my eyelashes a bit as I talked.

I still remembered all the ways to get poor Deputy Hale to do whatever I wanted. Honestly, I did feel a little bad.

"Yeah sure," he said, nodding.

I let him lead me outside to his car. I climbed inside and we headed toward the shop once he got in. The ride was mostly silent. Hale asked how my dad was doing and I told him what I knew.

"I'm really sorry. I know this is a lot to be going through," Hale said, looking over at me.

"Thanks," I gave him a small smile, "it is a whole lot of bullshit."

"Do you have any idea who did this?" He asked.

I shook my head, "I wish I did."

We didn't talk anymore and it didn't take long until we were pulling into the lot. I spotted Happy outside with Tig. My heart dropped.

"Hey, you want to get something to eat or do something tonight? I could use a distraction," I asked Hale.

Hale nodded quickly, "yeah. I'll pick you up later."

I smiled, "thanks."

I gave him a quick hug and got out of the car. I waved as he drove off. Walking past Happy, I completely ignored him.

"Jax!" I hollared for him as I got closer to the garage.

Jax peeked his head out from under a car.


"Can you tow my car? It's at the hospital," I said.

"What did you do to it now?"

"I locked my keys in it."

Jax sighed, "I'll get Half-Sack to take you back over with a slim Jim."

I nodded, "you knew about last night didn't you?"


"Happy hooking up with another girl. It was that Britney bitch wasn't it?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Steph, I didn't want you to find out. I know you have a lot going on," Jax replied.

"Well he told me," I said.

"So now what?"

"I don't really know," I said with a sigh, "I still care but he fucked up. I'm not talking to him right now."

"So that whole thing with Hale was to piss him off?"

"A little. But I am going out with him tonight."

Jax shook his head and disappeared under the car again, "looks like everything it going to explode soon."

Happy's POV:

Stephanie avoided me all day. I couldn't blame her but I couldn't stand the fact that she wouldn't talk to me. All I could do was watch from afar. I couldn't hide my anger when I saw Hale drop her off, wondering why.

Stephanie had left with the prospect earlier. I had over heard her tell him she had locked her keys in her car. It hurt to know that she was going to someone else besides me when she needed help. But I had done it to myself.

I looked up from my spot by the boxing ring when I heard a car pull in. My eyes narrowed seeing Hale pull up. He was out of his uniform for once, he looked like he had tried to put some effort into the way he looked. The door to the clubhouse opened and Stephanie walked out.

Her hair was curled into soft waves and she was wearing make up. I had never seen her wear make up, she didn't need it in my opinion. I watched as she greeted Hale with a hug. He took her hand, leading her to the car.

"Stephanie," I called out.

Her and Hale both stopped, turning to me. I motioned her over with my hand. She said something quietly to him and he went back to the car as she came over to me.

"Where are you going?" I asked, eyeing her slightly sexy attire.

Stephanie crossed her arms, "why does it matter to you?"

"Because you're my old lady."

Stephanie scoffed, "Please. You lost that and the right to know my comings and goings when you decided to fuck some random whore. Now if you'll excuse me, my date is waiting for me."

With that she hurried over to the car and climbed in. I watched them drive off and I flicked my cigarette away. Standing up, I headed into the clubhouse, slamming the door open.

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