Chapter Eighteen

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I laid in the bed, my arm under my head, waiting for Stephanie. The light in the bathroom cut off and the door opened. I motioned for Stephanie to join me. Slowly she made her way over, slipping under the covers beside me.

Stephanie laid her head on my chest and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. I stroked her arm softly.

"Feel better baby?" I asked softly.

I felt her nod. I closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep. I felt a kiss on my neck and I let out a soft moan. Another kiss and another, then a bite. My eyes opened and I let out a groan. My grip tightened on Stephanie.

"Baby girl, you gotta stop," I said.

"Why?" she murmured, moving up to my ear. She nibbled on it gently.

"Because you're doing all the right things for something to happen. Something I don't think you're ready for," I said, letting out another groan as she bit my neck again.

"Oh, I'm very ready," Stephanie said, her hand going down my chest and slipping under my waist band, "And it seems like you're ready too."

She gave me a gentle squeeze, making her point. I gave a low growl, grabbing her wrist and flipping us over so that I was on top.

"This is the last warning I'm going to give. If you keep doing what you're doing, I can't promise I'll be able to stop," I said.

Stephanie bit her lip and that only made her look sexier. She grinned.

"I don't want you to stop. But you have to promise me one thing," she said.


"I'm not a child. You're a man and I want you to show it. Don't be gentle," she demanded, the look on her face showing she meant every word.

I smirked, "That's a promise I can keep."

My hand went under her shirt, quickly pulling it off and throwing it off somewhere.

Stephanie's POV:

I was woken up by Happy untangling himself from the sheets and going into the bathroom. I smiled thinking back to last night. The kiss, the bites, the choking. It was rough and perfect at the same time. I threw the sheets off of me and got out of bed, some pain still running through my body, my head was fucking killing me.

I got out of bed and walked over to the dresser, pulling out some clothes. I found a random shirt and pulled it over my head.

"Happy, Clay wants-" Half Sack opened the door and walked in.

I pulled the shirt down, trying to cover my lower half. I let out a shriek. Happy opened the bathroom door.

"Baby, what's-" he spotted Half Sack standing at the door, shocked and staring.

"Hap-Happy, I didn't mean to walk in," Sack stuttered, finding words again.

"What the fuck are you staring at?" Happy roared, storming out of the bathroom and towards Sack, blocking his view of me.

Sack backed away, still apologizing.

"I'll break your fucking face," Happy continued to yell.

Sack ran out of the room, terrified. Happy looked back at me.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded slowly, still shocked from being walk in on. "Yeah, I'm good."

"Good, I'm gonna kill the prospect," he said, pulling on his jeans and leaving the room.

I sighed and finished getting dressed. Going into the bathroom I looked myself over. There were a few new marks on my neck. I grinned at myself in the mirror. Yeah if I hadn't drank as much I probably wouldn't have made the move that I had. But I didn't regret it at all. I did however want to talk to Happy about what all of this meant now.

I pulled my hair up into a bun before going out into the main room. I headed behind the bar and poured myself a cup of coffee, not seeing Half-Sack around. I took a seat at the bar, sipping my coffee slowly. No one else was awake or even half alive for that matter.

The door to the meeting room was thrown open and Half-Sack fell out of the room. His face was pretty fucked up and an angry Happy stalked out behind him.

"If you EVER walk in my room without knocking or ever look at my old lady like that again, I will MURDER you," he seethed.

Sack nodded quickly, scrambling to get up. He took off to the bathroom, probably to clean off his face. Happy made his way over to me. He leaned down, giving me a hard kiss.

"Will you give me a ride to your place?" I asked him when he pulled away, "I have some more clothes there."

"Sure babe, let me get dressed," he said.

I nodded, watching him head back to the dorms as I turned back around and drinking my coffee.

I headed to Happy's bedroom once we got to his place. I found my duffel bag of clothes. Putting it over my shoulder, I carried it out to the living room where Happy was waiting for me.

"You got everything?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah. But do you think we could talk while we're alone?"

"What's on your mind?" He asked, taking a seat.

I dropped my bag and sat down beside him.

"After last night," I started, "Where does that leave us? Are things different between us?"

"Well I would say that things are different," Happy said with a chuckle.

I shoved him playfully, "You know what I mean. I mean I just became your old lady, is everything going to stay the same?"

"I'm not going to leave you just because I slept with you," Happy said, looking at me and taking my hand, "I really do care about you."

I nodded, "I know. I just get a been insecure. Especially since..."

Happy shook his head, "Don't worry about that. I'm not going anywhere. You're gonna have to kill me to get rid of me."

I smiled, "So everything's the same?"

"Not exactly the same. You saw how I reacted to the prospect. There's going to be more of that. Our relationship is on a different level. You thought I was protective before? You ain't seen nothing yet."

I chewed on my lip, "You say that like it's a bad thing."

Happy shrugged, "It could be. I've never had an old lady, or cared about someone like I do for you. This is all new territory for me. I don't know how I'll react."

I ran my hand down his arm, "I find protectiveness to be very sexy."

I leaned over and bit his lip. Happy's hand went grabbed my hair, biting my neck when I pulled away. I let out a loud moan, and climbed on his lap, straddling him.

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