Chapter Twelve

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I pulled into the shop, my newly busted headlight gleaming in the sun. Jax stood up, taking his attention away from the bike he was working on to come over to the car.

"You just can't seem to keep your car together for more than a week can you?" he said with a grin, squinting to keep the sun out of his eyes.

I rolled my eyes, getting out of the car and handing him the keys.

"Not my fault, an old friend hit it," I said with a shrug, "Can you fix it?"

"Yeah I can fix it but the glass is completely shattered, the bulb is fine. Not to mention there's damage on the front bumper," He said, placing his foot just below the head light and putting some weight on it. I sighed watching the bumper sag and wiggle loosely.

"Fixing a Mercedes isn't cheap and we don't exactly just keep the parts around," Jax said.

"How much is it going to cost me?"

"Nothing," Jax said, crossing his arms, "But it'll take a while. Longer than it took to get your wheels done."

I nodded, "Okay. Well I can keep driving it for now, just order the part and I'll bring it in that day."

"Alright. You should go see Happy, we're heading out for a couple days."

"For what?" I asked.

"We gotta go help out the Nevada chapter," he replied, "Chibs is staying though."

"Okay, thanks for the heads up."

I took the keys back and headed into the clubhouse. I found Happy and Juice sitting at the car.

"Heard you're heading out," I said, taking a seat next to them at the bar.

Happy nodded, "Yeah, just for a little while. I'll be back in a few day. You'll be okay right?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Can we take for a minute before you leave?" I asked.

Happy stood up, placing his hand on the small of my back, and guided me to one of the back rooms.

"What's up?" he asked.

"When Bethany was here, you called yourself my boyfriend. Why?" I asked, turning to him.

Happy shrugged, "It seemed like the right thing to do."

"Except you never asked me first. I don't remember agreeing to being your old lady," I said, crossing my arms.

"Okay," Happy said, nodding, "Be my old lady."

"That's still not a question. Statement not a question," I said with smirk.

"Will you be my old lady?" Happy asked with a sigh.

I shook my head, "No."

"Then why the hell did you put me through that?" I could tell he was getting irritated.

I smiled at him, patting his shoulder.

"I'm sorry," I said, "I just wanted to know you wanted it too."

"So then why did you say no if you want it?" he asked, lighting a cigarette.

"Because even though I do want it, I don't know a whole lot about you. I know you make me feel safe," I said, "But I also know you hook up with Crow Eaters. And now you're about to go on an extended run to Nevada where its Eater galore. Not exactly the first thing I want to deal with being an old lady."

"So what is this? A test?" Happy grumbled, inhaling.

I shook my head, "Not at all. I want you to hook up. Have as much pussy as you want. I want you to get it out of your system. Have a fun run."

I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the room.

Happy's POV:

I checked my phone while Jax got some drinks from the gas station. Still no text from Stephanie. I know what she said but I still couldn't help but feel like it was all a test and was going to backfire in my face. But I also didn't feel like I wanted to hook up with anyone.

"You good brother?" Jax asked me as he got back on his bike.

I nodded, "Yeah. I talked to Stephanie before we left. Got my mind a little twisted is all."

"What happened?"

"I asked her to be my old lady and she said no. She doesn't want to get together right before a run, she wanted me to get it all out of my system. But I'm pretty sure it's all going to blow bac up in my face."

Jax shrugged, "The only thing I can tell you is that Stephanie tends to be a woman on her word. If she says something, she doesn't go back on it."

He started his motorcycle and took off, I followed.

Stephanie's POV:

I checked my phone, I had a text from Happy from over three hours ago. I opened it.

"Just checking in baby girl."

"Sorry, I was busy. I'm fine. Have fun!" I slipped the phone back into my pocket.

"Hey darlin'" Dad said, taking a seat next to me on the couch, "So I got you some info."

"Whatcha got dad?" I asked.

"Just as I suspected, Hale has no jurisdiction. He can on your behalf start asking questions, but without any formal charges, he can't do shit."

I nodded, "So unless I go to him and tell him I want to press charges, he can't do anything?"

"I mean, he can still ask questions but that's about all he's got."

"Okay, I feel a bit better now," I said with a sigh, leaning my head back on the couch.

"Something tells me that's not the only thing weighing on your mind," Dad commented.

"Happy asked me to be his old lady," I said, looking at him.

"And what did you say?"

"I told him I would tell him later. I said to go out and have fun on the run, go get it out of your system."

"Well that doesn't sound like a recipe for disaster or anything," Dad said with a groan, getting up.

"Getting it out of his system?"

"The you becoming his old lady," Dad replied, walking off to the bar.

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