Chapter Twenty Seven

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"So Darby is okay with losing the money and pulling the guys off of Derek?" I asked, disbelieving what I was hearing as I sat next to Happy on the couch.

Happy nodded, "Yeah, I explained to him that we were going to kill Derek whether or not he had protection. And he could either keep protecting Derek and lose some guys or he could take our money and walk away."

"So where does that leave us now?"

"Well he's going to leave them on him so that Derek doesn't run. But Thursday he has football practice so we'll meet him out there and the body guards will take off."

"Who is going?" I asked, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Me, Chibs and Tig," he answered.

"Why is Tig going?"

"Mostly to make sure we don't go overboard."

"What are you going to do to him?" I asked softly.

Happy stared at me, he looked unsure of what to say. I knew he wanted to protect me, but if all of this was going to work out he was going to have to answer the few questions I was going to have.

"Kill him," Happy said finally.

"Before you do that, will you do me a favor?"

"Sure. What?"

"Bring him to me?"


I pulled up in front of Happy's mother's house, having only gotten lost once but still managing to get there on time. I knocked on the door before letting myself in. I started checking the rooms for her. I found her in the living room watching the news.

"Oh, hello dear!" His mother greeted me cheerfully.

"Good morning ma'am," I said, giving her a smile, "are you ready to go?"

"Yes, yes. Let me just get my purse," she said, helping herself up with the cane.

"So is everything still ready to go?" I asked Happy as I looked around the waiting room.

"Yeah, we're on our way out there now," he confirmed, "How's ma?"

"She's back with the doctor now. I'm waiting for her to get done."

"Okay, make sure you get the doctor to write everything down so I know what's going on. Ma tends to forget things," he reminded me.

"I will. Oh she just came out, I'll talk to you later. Be careful okay?"

"I will baby girl," he promised, "bye."

I hung up, meeting his mother at the front desk. I took out the card Happy had given me to pay for the appointment.

"Can I get a copy of the doctors report for her son?" I asked the receptionist politely as she ran the card through the machine.

She glanced up at me, "we can't give that info out."

"Oh well, he usually always gets a copy of the form," I explained.

She huffed, "I said we can't give out patients information."

She slapped the card down on the counter. I was getting really sick of her attitude but I didn't want to snap in front of Happy's mother. I took the card back, slipping it into my wallet.

"Well I'm sure if you talk to the doctor he'll explain the situation," I said, trying to keep my voice level.

"Ma'am I don't know what about this you don't understand," she snapped, "besides Dr. Brown wasn't in today. She saw Dr. Reynolds."

I narrowed my eyes, "No I don't understand. Maybe I'll just send her son back here and maybe he'll be able understand your poor attitude."

I shoved my wallet back into my purse and turned to Happy's mother.

"I'm sorry about that ma'am, are you ready to go?" I asked her.

She nodded, "I told you to call me Ma," she scolded playfully as we left.

I took her back home, calling Happy when I got there to tell him about the problems at the doctors. I got his mom situated and spent some time with her watching her favorite shows. I left before it would get dark, hoping to meet Happy there. I hadn't heard from him in a couple hours so I had no idea what was going on.

I spotted his and Dad's bikes when I pulled into the shop. Nerves bubbled in my gut knowing that Derek was probably somewhere here. I parked my car, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. I headed into the clubhouse. It was eerily quiet when I walked inside. I spotted Jax by the bar and I made my way over to him.

"Hey," I greeted him, ashing my cigarette in the ashtray.

Jax just nodded at me, "Chibs and Happy are waiting for you in the garage."

"Okay, thanks." I hadn't even noticed that the garage was closed, too wrapped up in my own thoughts. I stayed at the bar and finished my cigarette before going into the garage. My dad turned to face me as I walked in.

"Steph," he said gently, coming over to pull me into a hug.

I leaned against him, resting my head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat. The hollow thuds helping me calm down.

"Where is he?" I mumbled into his chest.

"He's in the office with Happy and Tig, I was waiting for you."

He stepped away, holding me at arms length and leaning down to look me in the eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You can walk away and no one will blame you," he assured me firmly.

I nodded.

"I need closure dad."

Dad's lips pressed together in a thin line.


Wrapping an arm around my shoulders he guided me to the office. Pausing at the door he asked me once more if I was ready. I could hear muffled sobs coming from the other side of the door. I took a deep breath and nodded. Dad turned the doorknob, pushing the door open.

Before I stepped into the room I surveyed my surroundings. Tig was leaning against a file cabinet close to the door. I could see Happy running his knuckles, a bit of blood on them.

In the center of the room, tied to a chair with a gag wrapped around his mouth sat my tormentor. My rapist. Derek looked at me his eyes wide, almost pleading. I could see that he had already taken a beating. He was terrified and he wanted to leave. He knew there was no way he was going to make it out of here alive. For once, he seemed to feel everything I had been feeling these past few weeks. Even everything I was feeling that night, all at once.

Happy approached me, placing a hand on my hip.

"Are you alright baby girl?"

I nodded unable to look away from Derek.

"Give us five minutes."

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