Chapter 10 | Merry Christmas

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Very Long Chapter Ahead

| Third Person PoV |

"Are you kidding me?" Haruhi asked as we were in the gym, listening to the announcements the school board told us. Tsuki clapped her hands excitedly as she looked at the Host Club, who were all sitting together. Two of the boys smiled as they watched Tsuki.

"Of course Haruhi! We do this every year!" Tsuki told 'him', wrapping her arm around his shoulder before Tamaki, Kyouya, and Kaoru pushed it off. Tsuki rolled her eyes as she continued to listen to the announcement about Secret Santas.

"But we're not even Christian!" Haruhi told the group, before being shut down by Tamaki, who said that his father enjoyed doing things that other cultures do. Rubbing his temples, Haruhi shook his head and listened to the Headmaster speak.

Once they stopped explaining everything, one by one, everyone walked up and drew a name and a locker number out of the hat. Tsuki was the first out of the Host Club to get called up. Quickly, she walked up to the front and plunged her hand in, making sure to look away as she did.

Tsuki grabbed a piece of paper and pulled her hand out to look at it. She smiled once she found out who she had drawn.

Kaoru Hitachiin
Locker #127

A mischievous smirk tugged at her lips as she made her way back to the club, making sure to keep her hands on her paper at all times. The next club member that was called was Kyouya, who sighed and walked up to get his paper. Once he did so, a small look of shock appeared on his face as he looked at his paper before his expression changed into a smug one.

Little did the club know that Kyouya had drawn Tsuki's name.

This went on until every name was out of the hat. The point of this was that each person had a name with a locker number on it. Every day before Christmas, they had to give their chosen person a gift.


The first day of Secret Santas was interesting to say the least.

That day, Tsuki made sure to wear silk gloves, knowing that Kaoru could ask Kyouya to get the fingerprints off of his locker. ( I can see Kyouya doing that ) Tsuki made sure to get a present Kaoru would appreciate, with the help of Hikaru of course. A new DS with a design of an orange rose on it.

Kyouya had also gotten a nice present for Tsuki; a necklace with a amethyst in the middle. Kyouya knew Tsuki had liked the gem, mainly because of the amethyst jewelry she has worn. He also knew that it was her birthstone, which was probably why she had always taken a fancy to the stone.

Once Tsuki had finished putting Kaorus gift in his locker, Tsuki took off her gloves and walked over to her locker, where Kyouya was just around the corner, watching her open the gift. Putting in the combination, Tsuki slowly opened her locker and saw the flat box in the middle of her locker. She quickly opened it and gasped at the sight of the necklace. Tsuki swiftly put it on and examined herself in the mirror she had put in her locker. She smiled before starting to walk to class, Kyouya following behind.

As the pair was walking, Kaoru was at his locker, looking wildly at the gift before him. He knew that his brother had gone out with someone to pick out this gift, and he didn't like not knowing who the person was.

Kaoru slipped the DS in his book bag before starting to walk to class, where he was determined to find out who the person who gave him the gift was. Walking inside of Class 1-A, he quickly saw his brother and placed his hands on his desk before questioning Hus older twin.

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