Chapter 17 | Mitsukuni And Takashi?

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"What?!" I yelled, staring wide-eyed at the twins and Kyouya when they told me this.

"We're going to the Haninozukas after school. Hani wanted us to talk to his family." The twins told me, synchronized as always. I ran my hand through my hair with a growl before turning to the three idiots.

"What if they recognize me?! They might try to take me back!" I told them, glaring at the group as Kyouya pushed up his glasses with a smirk. His glasses tinted as the lights in the room hit them, making it hard to see what he was looking at. Taking his fingers away, he opened his notebook before looking down at me.

"Would that really be a bad thing? They proved that they could take care of you." He reasoned, getting ready to write something down. I groaned before looking around to see if anyone was watching. Upon finding no one, I flicked the raven before scoffing.

"Yes, but I've told you before! I like my life!" I told them, straightening my dress as Kyouya got over his shock. He quickly wrote something down before his signature smirk etched onto his face once more. Kyouya grabbed my face and tilted it so I was facing him.

"Tsuki, you do realize that wasn't a wise choice? I could run your family to the ground." He threatened, pulling my face closer to his as a light blush tinted my cheeks, "Or worse, I could make sure everyone knows who you truly are."

Slapping his hand away, I backed up before glaring daggers at the tall raven. I scoffed again before flicking his forehead, harder than the first time. His glasses fell down his nose at the contact, making it hard for him to see my stare.

"Shove it up your ass Kyouya; I'm not in the mood." I told him as he fixed his glasses. I flicked my bangs to the side before glaring at the twins, "Now, why did you agree to this for me? I could already have plans."

"Woah, someone's grumpy." Hikaru commented, snickering at the end before he saw my glare. Hikaru gulped after hiding behind his twin, who was whistling like he was guilty of something, which he was. I sighed before giving him an answer to my crankiness.

"I wouldn't be grumpy if someone didn't decide to push me out of my bed so he could sleep there." I told them, glaring at Kaoru as he shrugged, claiming that he was told to sleep anywhere. I slapped the back of his head before yelling at him while Hikaru came to realize that was the reason he found me on the floor this morning. 

Kyouya sighed before telling the boys that it was time to open the club. Nodding, I sat in my normal seat and watched them open the pastel pink doors of the clubroom. As the girls piled in, a decent amount came to sit with me as we waited for the twins to come join the group.

| Third Person PoV |

Hikaru and Kaoru walked into the closet once more to have a chat, as they had done a few weeks before. Hikaru slammed the door shut, locking the steel handle before turning to his twin brother. A scowl etched onto his face as he glared at the younger male. Kaoru cowered in fear  before feeling a sting on his left cheek. His breathing hitched as he looked at his angered brother.

"You idiot! You're supposed to make her fall for you, not push her out of bed! What the hell is wrong with you?" Hikaru yelled, knowing that the others couldn't hear him through the thick walls. You could see the veins popping out of the older twins head, making him look even more pissed, "Why can't you follow simple orders like any other person? God, you're such a retard!"

"I-I'm sorry Hikaru! I was half-asleep! I didn't know what I was doing!" Kaoru defended, holding onto his bright red cheek. His face stung from the blow caused by this angered twin, making him want to squeeze it to soften the pain.

"That's no excuse! You're supposed to make her want to love you!" Hikaru screamed, getting close to his brother as spit flung from his mouth. Kaoru whipped it off before pushing his brother away. Kaoru frowned before attempting to defend himself once more.

"If you're so upset with me doing things wrong, then why don't you do it?" Kaoru asked, balling his fists as he glared at his twin. Hikaru shook his head before giving kaoru a new set of orders. Kaoru scoffed before walking out of the closet with a fake smile plastered onto his face.

| Tsukis PoV |

As the boys exited the closet, I smiled at the two before they made their way to the group. Sitting on either side of me, the boys wrapped their arms around me as I stared at them. It was happening, again.

"Guys, didn't Kyouya tell you not to do this during club hours?" I asked, trying to wiggle my way out of their grasp. They tightened it as I sighed, looking at them for an answer. Smiling, they set their heads on my shoulders with a snicker.

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter." Hikaru started, closing his eyes as I tried to get the two of them off of me. The girls around us squealed as the three of us were stuck in an embrace. Rolling my eyes, I looked to Kaoru, as he normally says something after the older twin.

"Kyouya has to decision-making authority, so we don't have to listen to him." Kaoru explained, copying Hikarus actions as he closed his eyes. Groaning, I tried to wiggle my way out once more. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see two people staring at us: Kyouya and Tamaki.

"MOMMY! THOSE SHADY TWINS ARE DOING IT AGAIN!" Tamaki screamed, pointing at us as I glared, "GET THEM AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!" 

"Tamaki, I can't do anything. They won't listen to me." Kyouya told him with a sigh, pushing up his glasses as he wrote something down on his notebook. Closing it harshly, he sent a glare this way before walking to his desk to do paperwork, "They won't even listen to Tsuki."

I growled as I tried getting the twins off of me, but sadly, all of my attempts hadn't worked. Yelling made them squeeze tighter and I was unable to hit them. Shooting a look at my cousin, I mouthed the word, 'Help' before the tree trudged over. He lifted me out of the twins grasp and placed me on his shoulder. As he did so, the guest stared, making comments and gossiping to one another.

"Wow, Tsuki kinda looks like Hani when Mori does that."

"Tsuki always looks like Hani! I swear, she's the Missing Haninozuka Flower!"

"Do you think Mori and Tsuki are dating? They'd be a cute couple."

"Ugh, Tsuki gets so much attention from the Hosts. It's almost as if they all like her."

Gulping from the comments, I rubbed the back of my neck, not enjoying the new amount of attention. Takashi must've noticed, for he put me down before apologizing. Smiling, I looked up to him and pat his head in a friendly matter.

"It's alright Takashi-" I started before realizing that I was using his first name. Takashi stared, slightly wide-eyed as he heard his first name come from my mouth. Bowing, I apologized, using his nickname instead, "S-Sorry Mori~Senpai. I hadn't gotten permission to call you that."

"It's okay." Takashi told me, messing with my hair as I stared up at him. He smiled weakly before crouching down to my height, which was about 1ft, "You can call me that."

I nodded, beaming at the taller man as Hani ran up to us, hugging the two of us tightly. Chuckling, I hugged that small upperclassmen back as he giggled in my ear. Pulling away, Hani shoved Bun-Bun in my arms before smiling brightly.

"Hey Tsuki~Chan! You can call me Mitsukuni!" He told me, cocking his head to the side cutely as his fangirls squealed. Rubbing the back of my neck again, I nodded once more before stroking the blonds hair.

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