Chapter 24 | Love Notes and Birthday Parties

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"Wow, another long and Important chapter with announcements in the Ending A/N, what other surprises are you going to give us Tiffany~Sama?!"

You got the point. Also, I will have stars ( * ) in some parts of the chapter, which will be explained right before the Ending A/N if you are interested in learning more of the lore behind this series. Enjoy the chappie

"Tsuki!" Tamaki yelled upon seeing his favorite blonde walk into their classroom, catching the attention of the rest of his classmates. He ran up to the girl, glomping her as he asked many questions, "Where have you been? We've been so worried! Did you leave because of what happened to you last week? Why won't you tell anyone what happened?"

"Tamaki..." Tsuki replied, unknowing of what to tell him. She didn't want them to know what had happened, but they were going to find out soon enough. She sighed before lightly pushing Tamaki away, "It's none of your business why I've been gone. You should at least be happy that I'm here."

Tamakis mouth hung open as Tsuki walked past him, keeping her head low. As she sat at her desk, she saw a note taped to it. Taking it off of the wooden surface, she unfolded it to see a love-note, similar to the one she had given Kaoru. A frown etched onto her face before she put it into her bag.

"Tsuki~Chan?" She heard one of her female classmates say. She looked over to them, seeing a cute smile on the brunettes face. The girl waved before Tsuki egged her to continued, "Your hair looks really nice today. I'm not used to you having your hair down."

Tsuki twirled a strand of hair, thanking the girl before class started. 


"Hey Tsuki, wanna eat lunch with us today?" Tamaki asked, linking his arm with hers as she hesitantly nodded. Tsuki let the blond drag her to the cafeteria, where she saw the twins sitting with the rest of the hosts. Her eyes widened before she pulled her arm away quickly, catching Tamakis attention.

"I-I'm actually gonna go eat on the rooftop. It's nice up there, you know?" Tsuki told him, trying to run away before Tamaki grabbed her shoulders. He noticed her weird behavior before connecting that dots and realizing that something had happened between her and the Twins. He sighed before dragging her to the table, sitting her in between Hani and Kyouya. 

"Tsuki~Chan! I missed you so much!" Hani exclaimed, hugging the girl tightly as she smiled down at him, "Guess what? We're having a party in the Host Club for my birthday!"

"Oh yeah, Happy Birthday Mitsukuni." Tsuki told him, knowing that they celebrated it today since it wasn't a leap year. Hani beamed before taking a bite of his lunch. The Twins scoffed before starting their own conversation, ignoring the girl who has just joined the group. Kaorus eyes held guilt inside of them as he turned away from her, regretting going along with Hikarus plan. Tsuki sighed before hearing a male voice call her name. She turned in the direction of the voice before seeing Mack, the exchange student she had met on Monday. Tsuki smiled before excusing herself from the group and walking over to Mack.

"Hey Adachi~Chan, is it alright if I eat with your table? I don't have many friends, so I don't know who to sit with.." Mack explained, rubbing his arm as he looked down. She looked back at her group, seeing three unoccupied chairs before giving him a thumbs up. Tsuki grabbed his hand as she lead him to the table, gaining the attention of the hosts.

"Guys, this is Johnson Mack, he's the new Third Year." Tsuki introduced, still holding onto his hand. The Twins glared at him while the others greeted him, mostly with smiles in their faces, "Is it alright if he sits with us? He doesn't have many friends except me.."

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