Chapter 25 | Finale | I'm Sorry...

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The tapping of shoes against the concrete floor grabbed Tsukis attention, causing her to look in the direction that it was coming from. Her eyes widened in shock as her eyes laid on a smirking figure, pushing up their glasses and moving their raven hair out of their face. She silently gasped as they approached her, looking amused at her shock.

"K-Kyouya...!" Tsuki started, at a loss for words as she stared at Kyouya. Shoving her hand into her coat pocket, she clutched onto the piece of paper that she had found on her desk earlier that day before holding it out, making sure that Kyouya had seen it, "Y-You're the one who wrote this?"

"Obviously. I just came here to figure out your answer." Kyouya told her, stopping right in front of the tall girl. His smirk turned into a light, genuine smile as he looked into her honey brown irises, awaiting her answer. She lightly frowned before looking down at her feet, not looking forward to rejecting her friend.

"I'm sorry, I can't return your feelings Kyouya." Tsuki told him, avoiding eye contact with her classmate. She didn't dare look up, even to see what his reaction was. Instead she held back the tears, trying to block out the memories of Monday, "It's just, I was recently rejected by a boy I had strong feelings for. I'm too upset to try and start another relationship, especially with someone I don't hold feelings for."

"I see." Kyouya replied, keeping his comments to a minimum as to keep in his true feelings. He wasn't expecting this, but he also believes that he knows who sent her into this depression. Kyouya clenched his fists as he too, looked to the smooth concrete floor beneath him. A few tears slid down Tsukis face as she finally looked up at the raven.

"I'm sorry." She told him quietly before sprinting off as fast as she could. Soon enough, the blonde burst through the doors of the Host Club, tears streaming down her face. The rest of the club that was present gasped at the sight of her, unknowing of what happened. 

"Imouto! What's wrong?" Hani cried, running over to Tsuki with Mori close behind. Tsuki rubbed her eyes before looking down at her older brother with a sad expression. She shook her head, before looking away, not wanting to explain what had happened.

"I want to go home." She told them quietly as Tamaki grabbed her belongings, handing them to Mori who thanked him silently. Mori picked up his cousin, carrying her bridal style as Hani climbed onto his shoulders. The three left the school, bags in hand as Kyouya walked over to the Host Club, loosing his cool the longer it took. Once he finally arrived, his deathly aura could be seen from a mile away.

"Hikaru, Kaoru, come here right now." Kyouya ordered them sternly, glaring at the Twins as they hesitantly walked over to the Shadow King. Upon arriving, Kyouya grabbed them both by the shirts and tugged them closer, causing the pair to yelp in surprise, "Which one of you rejected her?"

"I-I did." Kaoru told him hesitantly, sweat rolling down his forehead from nervousness. He looked to his brother for help, wondering if he would speak up.

"It was my fault Kyouya. I told him to do it!" Hikaru told Kyouya, standing up for his brother, although his sadistic aura slightly filled the air, giving Kaoru goosebumps. Kyouya let them two of them down, only to slap them across the cheeks, making Tamaki and Haruhi gasp in surprise.

"What were you thinking?! Now she's depressed because of what you did!" Kyouya screamed, glaring at them as if they had just woken him up. They gulped as they held onto their cheeks, watching Kyouya gather his things before sending a glare their way, "I hope you're happy now, because a lot of people aren't."

"Kyouya-" Kaoru started before Kyouya shrugged him away and walked out of the clubroom, slamming the door on his way out. He sighed before taking a seat on one of the many couches, placing his head into his hands as another sigh escaped his lips, "We messed up, Hikaru."

"Who cares anyways? It was good for us to do that, now she knows more about the real world." Hikaru told him, taking a seat next to his brother. Kaoru looked up at him, a scowl coming from his throat.

"So, you don't even care that we destroyed her innocence, or that she'll never be the same because of what we did?" Kaoru asked, becoming louder with each word. Hikru shook his head with a smirk, looking down at his younger twin.

"Why do you care, we do this all the time!" Hikaru told him, plopping his feet onto the table in front of him as his smirk grew upon hearing his irritated brother groan.

"I care because it's Tsuki! She was like an older sister to me until you dragged me into this!" Kaoru yelled, standing from his seat as he stared at his brother. Hikaru stood up, frowning at his brother.

"I'm the one who came up with it, but you're the one who got into it!" Hikaru claimed, taking a step closer to his brother. Haruhi sighed, rubbing her temples as the boys argued. Tamaki rubbed her shoulders in attempt to soothe her, but to no prevail.

"I went along with it because I didn't want to get yelled at, or worse, Hikaru! You scare the living shit out of me!" Kaoru confessed, screaming at his brother as the couple watched, ( See what I did there? TamaHaru is canon! ) "I was afriad that if I didn't go along with this, then you would become even more sadistic than you already are!"

"Sadistic? Who do you think I am, the reincarnation of Satan?" Hikaru asked, raising an eyebrow at his brother. Kaoru chuckled before taking a step closer, about two inches away from his brother face.

"To put it bluntly, yes. Yes I do." Kaoru told him before grabbing his bag and walking out of the clubroom. Before shutting the door, Kaoru turned to look at his brother, a crooked smirk etched onto the younger twins face, "And that's not even half of it."

Alright, I know that this ending wasn't very satisfing, but there is going to be one last thing I'm going to add so you guys will understand more about the next book! I hoped you guys enjoyed this book and that you'll stick around for the next one. It'll mean a lot to me if you did, for I have another adventure for you to follow! 

Now, because this ending is terrible, I'll give you guys spoilers for the next book! Here we go!

The main characters name is Kazue ( surname is a secret ) and she is a girl who was born prematurely. I'm going to base this off of my own personal experiences, for I was also born way too early. I was born Two Months earlier than when I was supposed to be born, which made me have many medical issues. Kazues situation will be a bit worse than mine though...

Now, for a preview of the first chapter of the new book!

"I wish to be healthier, at least to where I don't have to be locked up in here..."  

That's all I'm spoiling! Spoilers aren't healthy for you! *mom mode activated*

Anyways, I'll be leaving to write for a few more hours. Bye!

Up Next: Character FAQ

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