Chapter 18 | Visitation at the Haninozuka Household!

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"How do I look?" I asked the twins, spinning around to show off my outfit. They gave me a thumbs up as they looked me up and down, examining my outfit. It wasn't anything too flashy, for it was just me meeting my family for the first time in years. It was more casual, as to say that I wasn't trying too hard to impress them. ( My inner fashionista is coming out... *runs back to my antisocial corner* Hisssssss )

"Damn Queen, you look nice." Hikaru told me, nodding as I giggled. Kaoru stared at me a bit longer, trying to figure out something. Upon realizing what he needed to know, he smiled before looking up at me.

"Aren't those jeans from our parents collaboration line?" Kaoru asked, pointing to my jeans as I nodded. I normally only wore Hitachiin or Adachi Brand clothing, as they were the only kind given to me. Slipping on my coat, I looked at the twins before pulling them off of my bed, "Right, the others should be here soon."

The three of us then headed downstairs, telling my family that we would be leaving as we did so. As we approached the exit, a long white limo holding the rest of the club members drove into our driveway. I beamed before running out to see everyone.

"Tsuki~Chan! Are you excited to meet my family?" Mitsukuni asked, kicking his feet as I entered the limo. Nodding, I plopped down in an empty seat next to Kyouya. The twins piled in soon after, taking the two vacant seats on my left. As everyone got situated, we started towards the Haninozuka Dojo!

'Hm, I'm really nervous.. What if he recognizes me? What if he asks me to come home? He'll be devastated when I tell him my answer...'  I thought, edgy at the fact that I was going to see my family. It may have seemed as if I was nervous, as I was then asked if I was alright by one of the members.

"You seem on-edge. Are you alright?" Kyouya asked in his normal tone of voice. I chuckled nervously before nodding, telling him that I was alright. To make me feel better, Mitsukuni handed over Bun-Bun, saying that they would make me happier. Just the simple thought had made me feel better somehow. Smiling, I stared out the window until we arrived at the Dojo.


Upon arriving at the Dojo, I took a deep breath before stepping out of the Limo. Beaming as always, Mitsukuni climbed into my arms, embracing me tightly as he giggled in my ear. I smiled before Takashi led us inside. Once inside, the sounds of fighting could be heard as the stench on sweat flew through the air. It took everything in me not to gag. 

Takashi showed us to the back room, which held a group of men and boys. There were two older gentlemen, both with facial hair and scowls on their faces. There were also two boys, one that looked like a shorter, more outgoing, Takashi and one with glasses and brown hair. The brown haired one seemed to contrast the other boy, kind of like how Mitsukuni and Takashi contrast each other.

Smiling at the group, I set Mitsukuni down as they group looked at me, as if they were judging my every movement. I chuckled nervously as I watched their eyes. 'I would've never known that the Haninozuka and Morinozuka family was so,... terrifying.'

"So, who's the hag?" The brown haired boy asks, yawning as he glares at Tsuki. She gulps and looks down before hearing a smack. Looking up, she sees the other boy holding a stick while the brown haired boy holds his head. Her eyes widen as she realized what had happened. The boy was hit.

"Yazuchika, that is no way to greet a lady! You'll never find a suitor if you keep this up!" The dark haired boy growled, glaring at the boy as he lectured him. He seemed more tough on this kid than Takashi was on Mitsukuni, but that may be because the kid seemed more arrogant than the blonde upperclassmen, "I'm terribly sorry about him! I'm Morinozuka Satoshi, what's your name?"

The dark haired boy smiled at me, bowing slightly as he greeted me. I smiled before handing Bun-Bun back to my older brother. Bowing, I introduced myself to him.

"My name is Adachi Tsuki. It's a pleasure to meet you." The four males froze upon hearing my name. They stared at me once more, taking in my appearance as I stared at them with confusion plastered onto my face. Had they recognized me?

"Ts-Tsuki? As in-" The grey haired man started, hope and confusion etched replacing the scowl he possessed much earlier. 

"No. She is not the Tsuki you're looking for." Takashi stepped in, explaining to the man that I was only a classmate. The man sighed sadly before looking up at us, "My apologizes. I thought you were someone else."

"It's completely understandable. I know how much you miss her." I soothed, kneeling before the older man as I beamed brightly at him, in attempt to cheer him up. He froze up again before nodding at me. Standing up, I cocked my head as I looked at everyone else, "What are all of your names? I'd love to get to know Mitsukuni's family."

"Well, you already know me, so I'll introduce you to Yazuchika!" Morinozuka~kun told me, motioning to the brown haired boy that was hit earlier. I smiled weakly at him as he scoofed and turned away, "This is Yazuchika, Mitsukunis younger brother."

"Oh, so you're the younger brother I've heard so much about! You look so much like Mitsukuni!" I exclaimed, looking at the boy as I giggled, "You don't seem to have his personality though."

"That's because he's an alien." Haninozuka~kun answered, still not making eye0contact as he shivered. I chuckled again before turning to the others. I started off by asking the dark haired man what his name was, as he seemed a bit more curious than the others.

"I am Morinozuka Arika, the father of Satoshi and Takashi. It is nice to meet you." He told me, bowing as I did the same. I waved to him as he motioned to the man I talked to earlier, "This is Haninozuka Yorihisa, the father on Mitsukuni and Yazuchika."

"It's nice to meet you both. I hope to get to know you better." I told them, standing near Mitsukuni as they began to ask me questions about myself, "Hobbles? Well, I like Sewing and occasionally painting! My age? I am 16 years old! I'll be 17 in about two weeks! My grades? I get A's and B's!"

As we all chatted, I got to know the Morinozukas and Haninozukas a lot more. Mitsukuni stayed by my side the whole time, smiling brightly at me as his brown eyes twinkled. I had a few close calls when I almost gave them too much information about me, but the Twins and Kyouya always stepped in for me when that had happened.

We stayed there for about 5 hours. While I was there, I got to ask questions about myself as a kid. turns out I hadn't changed too much! It was a very fun day and I was sad when I had to leave!

Ugh, the ending was so bad. I would've added more, but I'm really lazy =_=

I'm decently proud of this chapter. It wasn't too long, but not too short. I'm happy with this chapter even if it didn't turn out how I would've hoped!

How did you guys like it? Was it enjoyable? Did you have fun getting to know Tsuki a tad bit more? Hopefully you did!

Bye now!!!

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