Chapter 25.0 | Character FAQ

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Tiffany ( Me! )

Q: Why did you make Hikaru the antagonist for this story? Out of everyone else, why him?

A: Being completely honest, I've never read a story with Hikaru as the antagonist. It's always been Ayanokoji or Kyouya. So, me being myself, I went for a difference approach! I thought, "Why not make a character that everyone loves into the villain? That'd make things much more interesting!" And then made this!

Q: How are you so good at creating plots?

A: I actually don't know. Things just come to my mind!


Q: What's it like to be so kawaii? :3

A: I don't know.. I don't really consider myself cute.. >/////<

Q: Why do you love Hot Chocolate so much?

A: Normal Hot Chocolate is too bland for me! I like Mexican Hot Chocolate! Just the thought of of cinnamon and chocolate taste bursting into my mouth makes me want to cry tears of joy!

Q: How do you stand Renge? She's so annoying!

A: That's your opinion, but if you talk that way about my best friend oNE MORE TIME, I will cut you ^^

Q: Are you okay you sweet bean? Did those meanies hurt you?!

A: *sniffles* Yes! Why are they so mean? I just wanted to confess my feelings...



A: Woah, what's up your arse? Anyways, I'm not a b****, I'm Satan. Get it right


Q: Why did you go along with Hikarus plan?

A: It's not like I had a choice, Hikaru's a sadist! If I didn't do it, he'd probably kill me!


Q: Are you alright? Did the mean Author~Chan put you through Hell? ( HEY! )

A: I'm quite alright, just a bit shaken up. It was wrong of me to think that I could capture her heart. ( ITS OKAY HONEY, YOU'LL FIND LOVE SOON )

Hani and Mori

Q: Are you happy to have Tsuki back?

A: Or course we are! We love her to death and we are now catching up from old times!

*manly grunt*

Tamaki and Haruhi


A: Yup! We love each other very much, even though Haruhi doesn't say it much ^^


Q: I thought you were nonbinary? Why are you a boy in this?

A: Because this story is set in 2006, when Nonbinary people were very rare to find!


A: Nope! I have a lovely girlfriend back home whom I love with all of my being!

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