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Kaoru sat on his bed, head in hands as he thought about all of his past regrets. They were now 25, out of collage and attempting to live a fulfilling life. Kaoru wasn't happy though, as he was shoved into a job working for his older brother, who had become the heir to the family business and was living a life full of regret. The one on his mind though? The fact that he was so mean to his childhood friend, Haninozuka Tsuki. 

As a sigh escaped the mans lips, the door opened to reveal his brown haired twin, Hikaru, He waved to the younger twin before stepping inside, shutting the door on his way out. Kaoru looked at his brother from the side, not moving from his position on the bed.

"Hey Karou, we haven't talked in a while." Hikaru started, sitting next to his younger brother on the bed after smoothing out the light orange duvet. Kaoru hummed in response, causing his brother to sigh, "Kaoru, you need to stop being so depressing!~ What happened to my happy little brother?"

"He died." Kaoru replied quietly, turning to face the wall. Hikaru stayed quiet as he took in the words he just heard. Upon hearing silence, Kaoru took off the sweater he was wearing and crawled into bed, feeling tired after the long day he had. Hikaru crawled in beside him, hugging him tightly as they fell asleep.

The Twins suddenly woke up and saw a foggy room with darkness surrounding them. They stared at the dark room before a large figure appeared, bigges than any mansion they had ever seen. The man before them looked as if he was carved of stone, with dark hair and nobleman's clothing. He bent down before the boys as shocked expressions filled their faces. The man laughed before inching closer to them.

"I've been expecting you two for a while now." He told them, his deep voice echoing inside of the dark room. he smiled at the boys, whom were becoming lighter by the second, "It seems to me that you regret something?"

"Ugh, not this again!" Hikaru complained, glaring at his brother who was nodding. Before Kaoru could explain, the man stopped him before turning to Hikaru, whom had something he wanted to say, "Who are you?"

"Well sir, I am the God of Time and Space. I give second chances to those who regret something with all of their being. It seems that you two regret what you did in your first year of highschool." He answered, lifting his head up high as if he was Tamaki when he accomplished something. Kaoru nodded once more as another sigh escaped Hikarus lips, "I've brought you here to give you a second chance. That is, if you will take it."

Kaoru looked over at his brother, whom seemed to be thinking hard about this. Kaoru didn't have to think twice to know his anwser. All he was waiting for was his brother.

"Yes, I will take it!" The boys told the God in sync, something they haven't done in years. The God chuckled before snapping his fingers, which brought up an image from another timeline. The God smiled at the curious boys before moving the imagine closer.

"This boys, is a different Timeline. I cannot go back in time, but I can take you to another timeline, where you will be able to try again." He explained before making the imagine bigger. It showed a happy but not healthy, teenage girl whom resembled themselves. They gasped as they realived who the figure was, "In this timeline, Kazue will become healthier and Tsuki will have already come home years ago. Will you choose this path?"

The boys quickly nodded as they jumped up from the sitting position that they woke up in. The Lord smiled before tapping their foreheads, creating a light spot on each of them. They rubbed their heads before looking eagerly up at the man, ready to leave into the next timeline.

"Now boys, you will not remember anything from your old lives and you will not remember me when you leave. All you will remember is the last thing I will say to you." He explained to them as he shoved them towards the image. The boys started walking towards it, hearing a reminder from the God before the left.

"Don't Regret Anything."


Hold on for a moment while I weep.. Did you just hear that? That was my heart shattering into a million pieces.

Well, this book had finally ended! I'm actually really upset, I didn't want Tsuki to grow up TT^TT Okay, so now onto more important things! Miracle Child will be starting up on March 10th. You've gotten a sneak peek at whom she is in this, so if you haven't guessed who she is to the Twins, then you'll be surprised in the first chapter!

The A/N that I add to all of my books in the beginning will be published right after this, so go add it to your library so you know when I update! Also, this book is going to ACTUALLY be a love story, but with a twist >:3 Kazue will end up with someone, unlike Tsuki, but she will have the same amount of struggles as Tsuki had in this, if not, more.

Add your theories to the comments and I'll DM anyone who gets one right!  Bye! TTwTT

The Regular | An OHSHC Fanfiction | Book 1 [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now