Chapter 20 | Plans and Onesies

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I'm not okaaay


My ship is sinking okay bye

|Third Person PoV|

"How'd it go Kaoru?" Hikaru asked, leaning against the door of the all-too-familiar closet where they had their monthly meet-ups. Kaoru sighed as he looked at the ground, a sad frown creeping onto his pale skin. He looked up at his devilish brother, staring up into the soft emerald eyes that matched his own, but Hikarus were darker, in a way that made him seem more evil. Now what Haruhi told them made much more sense. Hikaru did seem more mischievous than him.

"It went well. I think she may be falling for me." Kaoru told him, looking back at the ground as he leaned against a wall. Hikaru chuckled darkly as he stared at his twin, eyes tinting much darker than what they originally were. Kaorus breathing hitched as he listened to his brother. Hikaru was becoming more sadistic by the day and to say it scared Kaoru would be an understatment.

"Good. You know, her birthday's next week, are you going to do something for her?" Hikaru asked, catching the younger boys attention. In attempt to please his brother, Kaoru smirked before pushing himself off of the wall he was resting on. He looked straight at his brother and used his acting skills, making it seem as if he was serious about what he was going to say.

"Of course. I'm going to put that little ring and necklace she cherishes so much to shame." He told him, referring to the gifts that Kyouya had given to her on Christmas. She never took them off and cherished them very much. They were some of her prized possessions. Hikaru nodded at his brother before hearing Tamaki yell at everyone to get in their places. They sighed before leaving their meeting room.

As they exited, Kyouya glared at them. Everytime they left that closet, they became much more clingy to Tsuki, which made his blood boil. Sure, maybe this was out of jealousy, but Kyouya had a bad feeling about the Twins and what they might be planning.

"You two. I hope you wont be having your secret mettings during club activities anymore. Because of these little stunts you've been pulling, profits have been dropping." Kyoouya informed, venom laced in his voice as he pushed up his glasses, making them tint. The boys shrugged as they stretched, getting ready for the crowd of girls. "If this keeps happening, Hani~Senpai and Mori~Senpai will create much more money then you."

The Twins scoffed as they stared half-lidded at the raven. Kyouya had been on them much more lately, about profits and fooling around with Tsuki. They could tell that he was jealous, even if the others couldn't. Hikaru ran a hand through his hair as he spoke up.

"Geez Kyouya, you're such a party pooper." He told the vice president, slouching as his brother finished his staement, "Why don't you calm down and stop hounding us? It's getting annoying."

"It's my job to make sure you stay in line. How else are we supposed to keep customers?" Kyouya asked, opening his black notebook as he awaited their response. Once again, the boys scoffed before getting in formation. Kyouya rolled his eyes before getting into formation himself.

Today the boys were dressed as animals, as suggested by Hani. It didn't take Tsuki long to create the designs and send them over to the seemsdresses. Instead of bulky costumes though, the club was wearing custom-made onesies. Tamaki was a Dog, Kyouya was a Cat, The Twins were Snakes, Hani was a Bunny, Mori was a Cow, and Haruhi was a Mouse. Tsuki didn't attend as a customer today, instead she stood on the sidelines and took pictures that she could later use for blackmail. The majority of her photos were of Kyouya in his Black cat onesie, making a lot of guests skeptical.

"Tsuki's been around Kyouya a lot today. Do you think they're dating?"

"She's still wearing the necklace and ring that he got her. She must cherish them a lot, huh?"

"Wah, I wanted her to date one of the Twins..."

"Maybe it's a love-triangle?"

Tsuki rolled her eyes before taking a seat next to the cat, making the girls stare even more at the two. Tsuki noticed this and chuckled a bit before looking at the annoyed raven next to her.

"How are you enjoying that onesie, kitty?" Tsuki teased as she snickered at the male. Kyouya growled ( More like Hissed ) at her before she tossed a cat toy at him. Not expecting the action, Kyouya stood there as the toy hit him in between the eyes, "There, play with that since you have no guests."

"Queen, I believe you told us you weren't visiting us today." Kyouya told her, setting the cat toy on his desk with a scowl on his face. Tsuki smiled before patting him on the cat on the head, making him growl once more. She giggled before deciding to answer.

"Yes, but I technically am apart of the Host Club, so it would only be right if I came over." Tsuki explained, detaching herself from Kyouya as she set her hands onto her lap. She looked around the clubroom as Kyouya began to type away at his laptop.

Whoop! Here's a filler chappie because you need a calm chapter in your life lmao

So, Kyouya catching onto the Twins plan. What do you think he'll do? Also, are you on Team Kyouki or on Team Kaoki?

On another note, I've started watching Aoi Hana and am a bit upset that my ship is sinking :') Whatever tho, the creators can do what they please.


Okay bye now

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