Chapter 19 | Hangout Session! ( Or is it a date? :0 Tsuki is confuzzled )

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Walking down the loud hallways of the Academy, I kept a nice grip at my bag as I walked to where my club was held. The loud chatter of kids filled the halls as I squeezed my way through the crowds of people. Thoughts roamed my head as I tried making sense of everything going on.

It was two days after my visit to my familys dojo. Yes, I said it: my familys dojo. I was getting much more comfortable with calling them my family, which shocked me a lot. At first I didn't even want to call them that and now, here I am calling them that as if it's normal!

Gripping the handle of the door, I turned it before pushing the pastel doors open. Upon entering, I saw a pair of kids roaming threw some of my WIPs, ( also known as Work/s In Progress ) snickering to one another. Growling, I glared at their backs until they turned around in sync. I greeted two familiar pairs of emerald green eyes and mischievous smirks.

"Hikaru, Kaoru, what are you two doing in here?" I asked, crossing my arms as daggers left my eyes. ( Meaning: Glaring Daggers ) They nervously chuckled before setting my clothing down and rubbing their necks. Elbowing his brother, Hikaru motioned to me before excusing himself from the room, 'That's odd. Hikaru and Kaoru do everything together. Why'd he run off?'

"About that Queen.. I came so I could ask you a question." Kaoru told me, blushing as he looked down at his feet. I looked down at him curiously, wanting to know what he wanted to ask. As he started, he looked away from his shoes and looked at me, his green eyes filled with fear, "H-How would you like to hang out this weekend?"

"Well, you guys are already coming over so our parents could talk about a new collaboration line. Why ask to hang out if we already are?" I asked, chuckling as I stared at his red face. I had never seen the boy like this, and oddly enough, I felt a weird sting in my chest as I looked at him. 

Kaoru bit his lip and looked away as if he was feeling embarrassed. I held in a giggle as I watched the flustered boy. I liked this side of Kaoru, the flustered and cure side of him was adorable and no one could deny it.

"I mean, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out alone- Just by ourselves." Kaoru explained, still not making eye contact. Failing to hold in my giggles, the cute sound left my lips and echoed into the clubroom. Kaorus head whipped towards me as I placed a hand over my mouth in attempt to quiet down.

"Of course Kaoru. I'd be happy to spend some time alone with you." I told him as I pat his shoulder. The door of the clubroom opened as the members piled in. Kaoru took his leave as I waved him off. Upon Kaorus leaving, the club members questioned me as we started our club activities.


"Hey Kaoru!" I greeted, beaming brightly as I fixed my white dress. Kaoru waved as he entered the mansion, also smiling up at me. Hikaru pat his brother on the back as he greeted me. He had an identical smile on his face, but that was to be expected from the twins. Kaoru took my hand in his as we left the mansion to go around town, as we had planned over the phone earlier that day. I blushed as I felt his fingers in between my own. It felt different from last time, in a way I couldn't describe. 

We first went out to a small cafe, one with a homely feel to it.  Kaoru led me to the corner of the well-decorated cafe with our orders. As we sat down, I sipped my hot chocolate as Kaoru nibbled on a bag of chips that the clerk had given him for free. Setting my cup down, I looked over at Kaoru as he snickered. I gave him a confused look before he grabbed a napkin and wiped my nose with it. Showing me the cinnamon covered whipped creme on the napkin, he laughed at my messy drinking before tossing the paper in a bin. 

We continued to eat, chatting away as we did so. We talked about everything, from school-work to our love lives. I started getting the pain in my chest once more as I saw Kaorus happy expression while talking to me. JPop echoed into the cafe as we talked, giving the atmosphere a happier feel.

"So, you still wanna go to South Korea when you graduate, right?" Kaoru asked, shoving a chip into his mouth as I nodded, taking another sip of my drink with a weak smile. I couldn't believe that he remembered that, "Maybe during summer break we can go together? Or maybe on your birthday we can get some of your favorite KPop bands to come over here?"

"I think it'd be fun to go there for summer break. Maybe we could get Kyouya and the others to come, too?" I suggested, setting my empty cup down quietly. ( *puts pinky out to cushion my cup* FOR TAMAKI *clenches fist* ) Kaoru nodded as he finished off his chips before we left, making sure to give the cafe a large tip. Next we went to the park, where we played on the jungle gym like children. As Kaoru got up ahead of me, I laughed at him before feeling a tug at my dress. I looked down to see a little girl, about the age of five, looking up at me with wide eyes.

"Are you a Princess?" She asked, looking at me with wonder as I felt flattered by the question. Placing my hand on my heart, I swooned a bit before smiling down at the girl. I kneeled down next to her before putting a hand on her hand.

"I should be asking you that sweetheart. You look just like one!" I exclaimed, looking at her frilly pink dress and bright blue eyes. Kaoru hopped down and smiled at the girl before squeezing her shoulders. The girl looked up at him and waved as if they knew each other.

"Hey Kirimi. Where's Nekozawa~Senpai?" Kaoru asked, looking around for the president of the Black Magic club. The small girl points to a tree, where the cloaked man hides, shaking as he grips the trunk of said tree, "Ah, looks like he still thinks I'm a murderer."

"Murderer? So you're the guy who was mean to my big brother!" Kirimi gasps, looking as if she was going to cry. My eyes widened as I looked at the three of them. This cute girl was Nekozawas little sister?

"Kirimi, it's alright." Nekozawa told her in a shaky voice, still not trusting Kaoru. She sniffed before running over to her brother, embracing his legs. I giggled before standing up straight and looking at Karou, suggesting that we leave before he makes more children cry.

Kaoru laughed as he grabbed my hand and lead me to our next destination, which was to a Boba Tea stand. We got one cup of the drink before taking a seat on a nearby bench. Kaoru took a sip through the big straw with a smile before offering me a drink. As I went to take a drink, another one was shoved into my face by a blonde guy with sunglasses and a grey mustashe. 

"Here! Another one for the young lady! This one's on the house!" He exclaimed, smiling down at Kaoru and I as Kaoru sighed. The weird man chuckled nervously as Kaoru glared at him, obviously annoyed. Standing up, Kaoru flicked the man as he gasped in shock.

"Tamaki, please leave." Kaoru told him as he ripped off the fake mustashe. Tamaki gasped as he stared at the scowling Kaoru. I looked up at them with wide eyes as the talked, "Hikaru put you up to this, didn't he?" ( oH HOW THE TABLES HAVE TURNED )

Tamaki nodded as Kaoru sighed. I stood up and stared at the two before Kaoru grabbed my hand. Another blush plastered onto my face as Kaoru looked at the ground in attempt to calm down. As he looked up, he flashed a smile at me before taking a sip of his tea. Kaoru excused us before dragging me away from the bench.

And this is how you badly end a chappie! :D

I hate writing about oblivious characters. It makes me wanna scream. How does she not know about her developing feelings?

Oh yeah, she was sheltered from birth. //sigh

Well, again there are only a few more chapters in the book left. I changed the ending date of the book and the starting date of Miracle Child though! This book will be ending on March 3rd and Miracle Child will be beginning on March 10th! ( just thought I'd give myself a bit more time for this )

I've been prewriting a lot more so there will be updates much more often! 

Now, because I don't know what else to add here, I'll be excusing myself now! *jumps out window*


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