Chapter 21 | Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

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I'm a proud mother. I also feel very old rn cause it's also my birthday ^^

Lmao no it's not, this was premade and published early, it's still the 23rd where I am xD

Alright, I'll go now.. Enjoy

Date: 2/24

"Oh sweet daughter of mine!~" Tamaki sings as he enters the classroom. Tsuki smiles at him as she stares at the flamboyant blond. She giggles as he approaches, gaining the attention of the rest of the classroom. Placing her hands in her lap, she looks up at Tamaki as a smile etches onto his face, "Happy Birthday Princess! Now, because of the nickname the Twins and Mommy have stared calling you, I got you a crown for your birthday! Now everyone will know that you're a Queen!"

Tamaki twirls around before dramatically placing the crown onto the blondes head, right in between her twin tails. Tsuki lightly claps her hands before thanking her friend. As Tamaki swoons about how cute she looks, a certain raven enters the classroom, pushing up his thin-rimed glasses. Tamaki ushers him over and shows off his present, making Kyouya lightly smile as he complimented the crown.

"Woah, Kyouya smiled. Must be a miracle." Tsuki commented, giggling as Kyouya rolled his eyes. Tamaki snickered a bit before Kyouya glared at him, successfully shutting him up. The action made Tsukis laugh deepen, gaining even more attention from the people around them. Tsuki paid no mind to them, instead attempting to calm down so she could listen to the raven in front of her, who looked like he wanted to say something.

"Yes well, you can consider that as your birthday present." Kyouya told her, smirking at her upset face. That wasn't all she was going to receive from the raven, but he thought it was amusing to tease her.

"Oh no I'm not! You set the bar extremely high with my Christmas presents, so I better get something much better than a smile!" Tsuki told him, crossing her arms as she stared up at the male. Kyouya raised his eyebrows in shock before looking down to see the jewelry that he had given her. He hadn't known that she was still wearing it. Before he had a chance to say anything, the teacher came inside on the classroom and began the lesson.

As classes ended, Tsuki began to walk to the music room. Upon arriving, she saw a paper taped to the door, stating that the host club was closed for the day. Frowning, Tsuki turned away to see Kaoru, who had his hands shoved in his pockets and a smile on his pale face. Shocked, Tsuki stepped back before calming down and returning a smile at the ginger.

"Hey, didn't you get Kyouyas e-mail? We're going out for your birthday." Kaoru told her, laughing once she told him she had no idea that they were heading out. Grabbing one of her hands, Kaoru took off to the front of the school, where one of Kyouyas limos were waiting for the club. Once arriving at the front of the school, Kaoru let go of Tsuki and made his way over to his brother, where they discussed their game-plan. Tsuki waved to the club before walking over to Hani and Mori, who both greeted her.

"Happy Birthday Tsuki~Chan!" Hani exclaimed, handing her a small wrapped box. Tsuki smiled before opening it up, seeing a bunch of cookies inside. Tsuki blushed lightly before thanking the small 18 year old. His smile grew before everyone piled into the limo and started to give Tsuki her gifts. Tamaki quickly gave her his gift before anyone else could. Tsuki giggled as she tore the wrapping paper. As she opened the box, she gasped upon seeing a pair of cat earrings. She swiftly replaced the earrings she wore with the new ones as a satisfied smile grew onto her face.

Mori was the next up to give her presents. Placing a medium sized box on her lap, Mori grunted as she thanked her cousin. She looked at the unwrapped box, wondering what could be inside. Upon seeing in big bold letters, a warning to be careful with the contents inside of the box, her curiosity grew. Slowly, she opened the box to see a light pink seashell. Tsuki gasped before she took the seashell out of the box to show it to the group.

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