Chapter 16 | Beach Day!

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Please note that the place they are at in this chapter is not the beach where Tamaki got upset with Haruhi, nor is it the place where Hani got lost. :)

The last thing I remember is being carried out of bed and thrown into a changing room. Trying to regain my balance, I put my arms in front of me until I stopped tipping. Looking around, I saw a plethora of bathing suits scattered around the room. Sighing, I walked around until I found one that I found suitable. Then I slipped it on before running out of the room.

As the door slammed shut, I looked around to see a beautiful beach with colorful umbrellas scattered around. I smiled before spotting the Twins looking at me. I waved at them before Kaoru started towards me.

"Hey Tsuki. You look nice." Kaoru told me, waving as he approached. A light blush tinted at my cheeks as I thanked him, looking to the ground. I was never good at handling compliments and flirting. It was one of the reasons why I chose the Twins as my favorite hosts, They don't flirt with their guests, "How about we go swimming? I've never been to a commoners beach, so I wanna do some stuff."

"Why would we go to a commoners beach when all of us except Haruhi have private beaches?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at the boy as he shrugged. Kaoru quickly took my hand before leading me to the water. Glares and looks of envy were shot at me as Kaoru led me to the ocean, refusing to let go of my hand until we were in the water. Once we got to the edge of the beach, Kaoru let go of my hand with a mischievous smirk. He then lifted me off the ground, carrying me bridal style as he ran into the water with a laugh. I yelped as the cold water touched my bare skin. Yelling at Kaoru to let me go, I started punching his chest as his laugh got louder. 

I began to feel his arms leave my legs. My eyes widened in shock as I plunged into the water. I quickly shot up with a gasp was I glared at Kaoru. His face had a smirk etched onto it as he thought he won. I shook my head before pulling him under with myself, catching the ginger off guard. Kaoru and I continued to splash each other until we decided to get out.

"So, wanna go get some ice cream then meet up with the others?" Kaoru asked, helping me out of the ocean as I smiled with a nod. We walked by each others sides while we scouted the place for ice cream. A grin was plastered onto my face as I thought about the fun day I was having. Now if only I could find out who took me out of my precious bed...

Whistling brought my attention away from my thoughts as my head whipped to my right. There I saw a very masculine man cat-calling me. Before I could take action, my hand was grabbed by the ginger on my left. My face turned bright red as I felt the warmth of his hand upon my own. Kaoru glared at the male before whisking me away.

Once we found a place that sold ice cream, I was a blonde tomato. Kaoru insisted on holding my hand the whole time so I wouldn't get cat-called again. So there I was, blushing like a mad-man while Kaoru got our ice cream cones. As Kaoru handed me my Cookie Dough ice cream, he let go so we could eat.

"Thanks Kaoru!" I thanked as I licked a bit of ice cream off the cone. Kaoru chuckled before taking a bite of his own. Looking up, I stared at him with a confused expression as he attempted to repress his giggles, "What's so funny?"

" You have some ice cream right-" Kaoru began before placing some ice cream on the tip of his finger with a smirk before moving it over to my nose, '-There."

Kaoru laughed at my shocked expression as I tried looking at the Caramel ice cream on the tip of my nose. I huffed before taking a step towards the red head. Grabbing his ice cream, I shoved it on his nose with a laugh as he gasped from the cold treat hitting his face.

"And you have some right there!"I exclaimed, proud of myself before realizing that I should start running. Breaking out in a sprint, I ran far away from the slow, auburn haired, male. It was at these times that I was glad that I could sprint for a well amount of time. Turning around to see if he was still chasing me, I felt pressure on my chest as I noticed that I had bumped into someone.

"Senpai?! There you are!" A familiar female voice sang as my head whipped in her direction. I smiled up at the brunette before pointing behind me, where lied Kaoru, still chasing after me with ice cream on himself. She giggled before grabbing my wrist and running over to where the others where, "Look who I found!"

"Tsuki~Chan!" Hani exclaimed before hopping off Takashis shoulders and running over to me with a bright beam on his face. I smiled and picked up the Third year before twirling him in the air. He giggled before I hugged him tightly, my own smile etched onto my face.

"Hi Hani! Are you having fun?" I asked, looking into the Honey Brown eyes that matched my own. Hanis smile faded before it grew once more as he nodded, telling me all about the things that Takashi had done with him. I giggled before setting him down.

As I did, Kaoru had caught up with us, melted ice cream all over his face. Quickly hiding behind Hani, I stared at Kaoru as he glared playfully at me. I looked around at the other hosts, all but three having a confused expression on their faces. Kyouya turned to me with an eyebrow raised as I chuckled nervously, crouching lower behind the little ninja.

"Tsuki, get over here...~" Kaoru sang, along another step closer to me as I squeaked. Kaoru smiled before jumping onto me, squeezing at my sides as I screeched, laughs escaping my mouth as the ginger tickled me.

"K-Kaoru! I'm sorry! Just stahp!" I squealed, attempting to squirm out of his grasp. Kaoru shook his head before Hikaru joined in, gabbing at my stomach as my laughs got louder. I looked to Takashi with a looked that screamed, 'Help!' before I was lifted off the sand. Dusting myself off, I thanked the titan as he set me down.

"Well, if you four are finished, it's about time that we start heading home." Kyouya stated, pointing at the setting sun as I gasped at the view. The beautiful colors floated through the sky as I smiled, taking it all in. It was absolutely breathtaking. Telling the guys to leave without me, I sat on the beach and watched the sunset.

Moments later, I heard the sand next to me move as my head whipped in that direction. Seeing Kaoru sit down, I noticed how close we were. I blushed slightly as I watched the sky again, the whole time feeling eyes on me.

This was trashy I'm sorry.
So, I need some more ideas. Preferably Tsuki X Kaoru ideas.


Well, it's not really a twist if you've read the manga, but the majority of the fandom hasn't!

Well, bye now!

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