Harley Quinn [Sorry]

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Sorry by Beyonce is so fucking good.

What are you doing with your life if you haven't listened to Limonade


Gotham; 23:20

The bell chimed when the bar opened, immediately groaning at the sight of the black and red woman. She knew the rules: #1, leaving her bat and any other weapons at the door until she leaves; #2, she's banned. "Harley!" You warned as she walked in front of you, your hands firmly placed on the counter. "You're banned, remember?"

"Oh, c'mon!" She exclaimed. "Those guys are breaking bottles!" She physically pointed to the four customers cheering and swearing loudly, one taking note in the blonde talking about them.

"And when, if they end up with having a body in the bar, I'll ban 'em." You nodded you heard, chuckling.

"Well," she scoffed, looking around the nearly empty and dark bar until she saw a man near his end for the night, quietly to himself in the back. "What about him?"

"He's been here for a few days. Quiet type, I doubt he'll be band, hun."

"It's always the quiet ones." She exaggerated. "Please?" She sat on a stool, hands together with begging eyes.

"How about," you gave a glance to the four in the back, still loud. So annoying. "Get rid of them, out of the bar, and I'll think about it."

The harlequin gave an excited smile, her eyes wide as she went to the four, dragging two and tossing them outside, the other two barked at the woman and followed her. You let out a relief sigh, finally quiet, the fighting muffled by the thick glass windows.

The quiet man at one point glanced up, seeing the commotion outside, only to let his head fall back on the table. He had drunken four bottles alone, and was challenging himself with a fifth. His body slouched over, lightly snoring and hopefully not drooling over the small round table. You shook your head, continuing to wipe the bars counter and cleaning the glasses.

You glanced out the dark windows, chuckling at the harlequin beat the living hell out those four jackasses. You did say you'd officially ban her if another body turned up in the bar. Even when the guys were knocked over, she still continued to hit a few blows.

You grabbed two shot glasses and a weak bottle when you saw her stretched her arms out and pulled the door open. "See?" Her voice squeaked. "No bodies." She pulled out two stools, one for her colorful bat. She panted, wiping sweat from her brow.

"Yup." You poured the liquor in each glass, sliding one towards her. Not only is there now a calm air and less to clean. You down the liquor together. "Still working with J?" You questioned.

"Hell no!" She laughed, downing another shot once poured. "Working with this new girl, Ivy. Giant red hair, green all over." She blandly described before going quiet. You watched her patiently, taking a sip from the current bottle then grabbing another bottle for her.

"He got upset with me, kicked me out." She took the bottle. "So, I stole his diamonds. Its been a month since I've seen him." She chuckled off, seeing as she was still hurt. "I left a note at our safehouse, he should read it, I'm far away now."

"He's always going to have fucking excuses. Don't be sorry." You advised her.

"I just miss him sometimes." Her cheeks puffed. "But I'm with Red, now. And you and me are gonna have a good life." She leaned in, smile showing bright.

You raised your bottle with her. "Let's have a toast to the good life." You smiled.

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