Oswald Cobblepot [What?]

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Penguin requires some assistance in the murder of Marine and you just so happen to be the nearest target" Gotham series


"You!" All of your attention on your boss. You wondered if you should question his bark. Was it towards you? You look at various other colleges that were around you. You even looked amongst the warm meeting room, all of your colleges avoiding your gaze. "M-me?" You pointed at yourself. "Boss, I'm simply - -!"

"Are you questioning my actions?!" He yelled. "Marone is taking our streets! He honestly believes he is king since Fish and Falcon went off the grid!" He stood from his chair, his throne. His face twisted in agitation, steadying himself on his cane as he stepped towards you. "I will show him who the king of Gotham is! And you will be at my side!" He faced his associates. "Dismiss yourselves... Except you three!" The men and women did as they were told, you felt the unchosen ones relief.

"Marone has invited me to his family's cabin for a "talk"." He started, sitting back down in his throne. "You all are to keep watch and stand by for my signal."

"And you're signal will be...?"  You questioned.

"I was getting to that!" He yelled, causing you to jump. He gripped his cane, flicking the top open, revealing a button. "This will send a message to your phones. THAT is the signal. And once you are inside you will put Marone down like the dog he is." You and your colleges nodded, understanding the plan. The boss smirk at his future plans with Gotham. "I will show him who the true King of Gotham is."

He will. He truly will. You and your colleges made sure to keep very, very far from your boss and Marone as they both began their trip to the cabin. You were all to keep quiet, keep still, and wait patiently. The firearms at your disposal, you wanted this to go smoothly and quickly. Being in the forest with nothing but men with guns and malaria is not your favorite thing to do.

It felt like an hour later before you all heard the commotion from inside the cabin. Yelling and glass shattering, you signal your colleges not to move until the signal was give. Only a minute or two passed by before you all's phones began vibrating. Immediately your colleges were at the cabins windows, aim dead at Marone. You pushed open the door, finding your boss standing proudly with his cane, he signaled you all not to put him down yet.

"What is this, Cobblepot?!" Marone yelled, his face red with anger.

"It's you fate." The boss answered. "This clearly shows you were not fit nor meant to be Gotham's king. This is your resignation."

"You think - -!" You shot him before he could finish another syllable. His heavy body falling and his blood splattered amongst you. The boss simply said nothing but look at the warm corpse before you gawking at you.

"What?" You shrugged. "He killed my dog."

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