Harley Quinn [I'm Here]

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Request on Tumblr: "Male!Reader and Harley Quinn are new parents. Either 'Harley starts to give birth/has given birth on their couch' or 'Male!Reader tries to persuade Batman to let them keep the kid.'"


Harley sat on the lazy couch, knees close, the newborn held close to her. Her now uncomfortable bra and thick blanket only clothing her, she was pale, sweating, and scooted farthest away from you and anything that would bring harm to her child.

Each time you tried to go near her, she growled at you. You couldn't blame her being so protective, her first daughter was hidden away and unknown to anyone. The least you did was fan her and help clean her up.

You were content just being there for her, mindlessly asking her questions to bring her back from her growling state, only smiling, happy for both her and the healthy child. "What should we name them?" You asked. "Cause the name Gummy-Bear isn't on the list." You chuckled gently. You saw her look up, the mix of fear and and big blue eyes of hope finally brought themselves to look at you.

"We can name his Dennis..."

"This isn't a play on ‘The Menace’, is it?" You questioned.

She paused before smiling. "Yeah! It matches our personality!" You slowly neared her, she tensed but didn't growl or glare at you.

"I'd never hurt you Harley." You let out. "Besides Dennis here would bust my head before I do." You chuckled.

"He's gonna be the --" Harley immediately went back to her previous position, despite the sudden tears in her eyes, her sudden anger wasn't towards you. You looked behind you immediately shielding Harley from the sudden caped crusader's appearance.

"Give us a break will ya'?" You asked of him. "She's been through hell enough already!"

He acted so strange, he just stood their silent. Well more silent than usual until he stepped forward over you and Harley, seeing the tiny child in her arms. "You won't be able to care for the child, Harley."

"And you can?" You spoke up for her. "Let us keep him. Just give us some time --" you stopped yourself, continuing to block her from him. "Please."

In the end, The Batman did let you have custody under circumstances that Harley stay until her remediation was complete as well keep out of trouble, and that you stay out trouble. You were allowed to see Harley in Arkham and let her hold the now non-stop babbling baby.

"I love you." You'd both say every time.

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