Youngster Heist

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[Child Reader]

Requested on Tumblr: “(Reader) is the daughter of Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. They meet Lucy, their half-sister, for the first time.”


Your mother believed you couldn't do jobs on your own. Whether its was because it was too dangerous, your plan had some holes, or even that you'd get caught, you were still going to pack your equipment and take action. And since Pamela had been keeping her eye on some toxins at the Gotham museum, you thought you'd prove it to her tonight.

You had stolen the car and jetted off to a few blocks from the museum, grumbling to yourself, you knew what you were capable of. "I'll do this big heist and I'll be the one with smug "I told you so"."

You had managed to break in and pass through the security systems, and used one of your mother's mutated plants to bind up some of the guards until you had actually came the "Hall of Life", scanning the hall, the various seeds, still plants (both fake and real), and then you came upon a toxins rack in a glass box .

"Anthrone, digitoxin, colchicine…" you listed off only to cheer quietly. This was it, this would prove that you were capable to your mother. Sadly your proud turned to fear once you had lifted the glass and the alarms had sounded off. You groaned, grabbing the rack and running out of the hall and to the exit only to see blue and red flashing through the window.

You turn around and gasped for almost bumping into a blonde girl, she grabbed your arm and pulled you behind a wall, hidden from the police. "Nice job butter fingers." She starts, earning a groan from you. "Why don't you turn on the bat-signal while you were at it?" The police flashlights scanning the area.

"I wasn't trying to get caught!" You said harshly, you felt like you knew her. She had similar features to…

"Hey, aren't you that crazy plant ladies daughter? Poison oaky?"

"Her name's Ivy." You corrected. "Poison IVY."

"I'm Lucy." She smiles at you, bowing for her introduction. "Lucy Quinzel, nice to meet ya'."

"I DO know you." You said shocked, she was your sister, Harley Quinn's daughter.

"We're --" you both were cut off as the police finally opened the entrance's door and the both of you made a run for it, ducking behind the counters and statues. "We should talk about this later." You say only to have a bright light shine upon you both and running into a hall to hide once more, the police closing in on you both. "Any ideas?"

Lucy scanned the room only to fall upon the toxins rack. "What'cha got in the bottles?"

"Plant toxins."

"Good enough!" Before you could object, Lucy had pulled out a pistol and grabbed on of the toxin bottles, screwing the opener to the barrel and shot it at the cops feet. The fumes had built up and causing the police to wheeze and choke, falling to the floor. That was the cue to move, kicking one of the officers as they tried to grab at you.

You both had made it to the entrance and kept running. "To the car!" You told Lucy, both of you coming upon the roofless car, jumping in and speeding away from the museum. As you drove further and no one behind you, both you and Lucy high-five each other: "Yes!" You actually did it, you may have had a problem in the middle but what mission doesn't have it's quirks. You couldn't wait to shove it in your mother's face.

"Are you two OUT OF YOUR MINDS?!" Pamela's voice raised. Both you and Lucy slumped in your chairs, your toxins and Lucy's diamonds sitting on the table. Harley by Pamela's side with her arms crossed, a disappointed pout on her face. "You could've been hurt! Arrested! And the car! Do you not understand what you risked tonight!?"

"Yes…" you both groaned lazily, only wanting the discipline to be over. "Ma'am." Pamela only sighed, making you promise to be careful and lay low for a while before leaving, gesturing for Harley to follow. Harley waited for Pamela to leave into the next room before whispering: "I'm so proud of you two." And leaving to Pamela.

Both you and Lucy sat up properly from your chairs, smiling proudly to each other. "We actually did pulled it off."

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