King Shark [Few Favors]

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Reader goes by the "The Cleaner" cleaning up after other people strucked a bad deal going against Batman, battered and broken. the cleaner falls in the water of Gotham not knowing her rescuer King shark wants something in return


You had a couple rules​ when it came to your clinic:

1. No fighting
2. No talk of business

Having built your portable clinic with your heart and made sure that whatever gangs that walk through that door knew absolutely what was expected. Being blessed with Falcone, Maroni, and other guards that helped to uphold those rules. A Sanctuary, word spread around Gotham's notorious.

Even if you were clear with a couple of gangs, having surprisingly enough respect to follow the rules, you couldn't stay in one place for too long. Some disliked your aid their enemies, despite your aid to their allies. Not to mention a rumor of sudden from the bat and others.

"So, hear anything lately?" One of your patients asked, hinting he knew something you didn't. You grabbed bandages and alcohol, setting them down. "Do you see that sign?" You pointed at the metal sign that boldly presented your rules.

"Yeah, but I mean --"

"And I mean: that I don't want to hear or have anything discussed that is even remotely similar to ...businesses within my clinic."

"Even if it's about you?" He asked. "Word is something is coming your way."

"Is that a threat?"

"Not at all. Just keep a wary eye, people like The Cleaner."

"I don't like having enemies." You remembered this conversation while being chased by a low street gang at Gotham's shipping docks, ducking behind crates, avoiding cranes in case they magically just started working again, and trying to stay as quiet as possible​. You've run into angry thugs and gangs before yet they would handle it in a more civil matter.

"Gotcha'!" One of them grabbed you from behind, calling his other colleagues, dragging you to an edge where the water crashed violently and sharp rocks lied at. "Your death will be a warning," he held you over the dangerous water. "Consider yourself honored when we take Gotham."

“You're burning the wrong bridges.” you warned, knowing damn well who had your back.

"Yeah," he chuckled before pushing you off. "Have a good swim!"

In the immense of being knocked out, cold, wet, and then waking up in a pitch cave where the only light source was the campfire that you laid beside. You sit up shivering, catching eye of a familiar form. "K.S?"

"You get around, Cleaner." His growling voice emphasizing your name.

"Haven't seen you since Joker." You stood, nearing him, holding yourself to stay warm.

"Now you owe me twice."

"Shit." You cursed under your breath. "What do you need?"

[Idk something about joining a gang in attempting to kill Superboy, I couldn't think of an ending.]

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