Pamela Isley [Don't Say it]

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Reader is a mutant with fur and claws and elf like ears, escapes from Nightwing and finds himself in ivys hideout

A/N: A little inspired by The Preacher. Tell what you think

The laughter filled the empty bar, the four of you chatting nonsense and cracking dirty jokes that shouldn't be said outside. You stood behind the bar, pouring the shots and replacing empty bottles. Smoked cigarettes and cigars, cards from a deck tossed to the side, none of you taking notice of a glass or two shattering. One of them chopped out white powder in a line and let it pass through a twenty or a fifty.

"You think just cause you've been with a couple strippers and artist that you seen it?!" You mocked, the four of you continuing to laugh. "No, what I'm talking about is downright naughty." You tugged your hood forward.

"Woo!" One cheered. "We know what you're talking about!"

"No no no." You waved him off, smelling the whiskey and cigar from his lips. "You don't! You don't know what I'm talking about! Listen," you place your palms on the bar, chocking on your laugh. "The only way you'd know what kind of night I'm talking about if it had left you on the side of a hospital, trying to figure out what the Spanish word for "ass hamster." They all laughed, unbelieved by the short told tale. "I'm serious."

They all shook their head, the heavy laughs and nonstop talking never ceasing to die down. "Where the bathroom in this joint?" One pointed, down to the narrow hall, you nodded in thanks. "Hamster del culo. Write it down, I'm serious." You say before leaving. Your stomach felt tight, nonetheless you washed your hands, flicking them to dry quicker before looking at your reflection.

You tug back the hood finding your pointed ears and fucked up, bloodshot eyes.

You look to the door, why had the laughed died down. You threw your hood back on, tugged the door, stepped out quietly back to the other three and sighed at the sight. Three busted up men on the ground, tables and chairs flipped over with an occasional half broken bottle. Nightwing standing in the middle of all of it.

"Care for drink?" You offered, nodding your head at the bar.

"I prefer being sober on the job." You heard the smug come right through his teeth.

"Right." You nodded before casually picking up a bottle and then darting it at the vigilante before running out of the bar and through the dim street. You could hear him behind you, he wasn't close but he wasn't letting down niether. "Running on buildings like a goddamn hooligan." You mumbled to yourself, sliding on the concrete to make a sharp turn, a familiar path.

Only for the vigilante to fall right in front of you. The alley light falling onto him like a spotlight. "Now," he begins. "I know we've all done some bad things, but we can help you and you condition."

"Screw you." You threw punches at the man and he dodged​ each one. He threw a few at you before holding you with your arm behind your back.

"I only want to help, wah-!" You felt your arm released by him and his body was dragged away by a vine.

You didn't bother waiting and continued down the path, and found the green covered botanical garden. You entered the greenhouse, ducking under hanging leaves and vines, up the stairs and through the door. It was normal than the rest of place, of course a few pots here and there. The red-haired woman sat with arms crossed, hair tied up in a ponytail, fingers tapping, waiting.

"I was --..." You started pointed towards the door. "He... It's like four miles away how'd you even know?"

"How many times have I told you?"

"I honestly don't know how he found me.."

"He's a bat boy. What on green earth were you thinking."

"Why not just kill him? He'll just come back."

"As if we need that kind of trouble. The plants will drug him and he'll be on his way." She pushed her chair out and stood. "I told you --"

"I know, I know..."

"You will not speak, you will listen. Sit." She growled, nodding her head to a chair. You only obeyed. "Since Nightwing discovered what you were.." you remembered the reflection. "that means the Batman knows of you. Some things you can't hide but you have to be careful!" The plants shivered to her voice.

"Understand?" She asked.

"Yes...Ma'am.." you nodded.

"Good." She grabbed and tossing the salad onto it and placing it in front of you. "Eat dinner and get some rest."

You began eating, letting out a sigh of relief.

"And don't think you're allowed again for another two weeks! And replenish the soil in the gardens!" You groaned, hoping that wouldn't happen.

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