The Riddler [Valentines Day]

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This was a request on tumblr

@imaginedrama is the blog

You leaned over the bathroom counter, closing in on your reflection, moving your head from side to side to study the details upon your face. You gave a huff and leaned back, making silly faces at yourself and sticking out your tongue.

"When I look at them, they smiles at me." You glance behind you, immediately smiling at he dressed up man, leaning in the doorway watching you. "When I wink at them, they winks at me. When I kiss them, they kisses me back. When I say I love you, they says it back. Who am I?"

You continued to touch up on your hair, smiling at the man's reflection. A chuckled escaped you when you looked down, you felt embarrassed yet it felt good, you blushed but it wasn't heated. "And how do I look?" You finally looked up.

"Perfect. Faultless. Impeccable." He continued. "There is no words to describe." He dramatically sighed.

"As well do you." You smiled, straightening your outfit. "So cliche our anniversary is on Valentines day."

"Speaking of..." He walks over, covering your eyes with his hands, guiding you out of the bathroom.

"I smell food." You immediately, mentally thanking the upper power.

"Yes..." He chuckles, you both stopping in your tracks. "So, what must be broken in order to be made?"

"Eggs." You answered right away, Edward's hands uncovering your eyes presenting two plates filled breakfast sitting on a white cloth table, a crossword and the usual green mug sitting on one side, labeling it to be Edward's. You gave a grin to the man, pecking him on the cheek before you both sat down.

"I have something for you." He says, all of his attention on you when pulling a small box out in front of you, it's powder green color and white ribbon made it stand out even more.

"And I you." You stand, moving quickly to your bedroom to retrieve a card with two question marks sharing one dot, forming a heart, a ribbon attached to it. As soon as you sat back down you handed it back to your love, readying to finally open your gift when he opens his card. Pulling the white ribbon from your box and taking a moment before removing the top, you felt frozen at a sight of a bronze key, his usual question mark embedded in it.

"I assumed it was time -- considering how long we've been together, that if you ever needed anything, you could come by anytime, instead of me always coming here." He announced hesitantly.

"Now I feel I should've gotten you something more than cards." You pouted. "This is a lovely gift."

"Cards? This is only one."

"Each card leads to the next. Hint: two are in the apartment." You rested you head on your hand, slightly upset.

"You know how much I love a challenge."

"Which you will easily succeed."

Edward open the card, reading a loud: "Of no use to one,
Yet absolute bliss to two.
The small boy gets it for nothing.
The young man has to lie or work for it.
The old man has to buy it.
The baby’s right,
The lover’s privilege,
The hypocrite’s mask.
To the young girl, faith;
To the married woman, hope;
To the old maid, charity.

What am I?"

You shifted your eyes childishly, as if you didn't know the answer. He sighed dramatically, moving over to kiss you.

"And I will give you the location of the other card after breakfast."

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