Dating Doctor Poison [Headcanons]

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On her free time:
- you both sat quietly and admired each other
- You both read together
- Draw together
- talked about either of your interest
- you both go to museums

When Isabel falls, she falls hard:
- She's asocial
- Shy
- Keeps to herself and her work
- She doesn't like many people, so when you met her you had to make the first move
- She thought your gestures were to taught her, she wasn't use to people having romantic feelings for her
- Little by little she noticed your eyes, your smile, the way you spoke to her and made an effort to get to know her
- There were times where you actually made her look up from her work
- Times where you actually made her laugh

She's a bit embarrassed when it comes to PDA:
- the most she will do is handholding
- occasional peck when no one is looking

You were the first one to actually break out of herself, literally:
- She's very self-conscious about her mask and her scar
- when it broke, she kept herself hidden until it was fixed
- you just so happen to come upon her while doing so
- she tried to keep her back to you, even on the verge on crying (which she rarley does) she thought you'd find her unattractive
- after you helped her with her mask and continue to tell her how glad you were that she was safe and continued to smile at her she felt relaxed.
- she hadn't felt relaxed with anyone fore a while

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