Ra's Al Ghul [A or B]

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Request: "Ra's Al Ghul influences you to become his wife while Batman tries to dispell Ra's from you." (Arkham City)

Note: So, I'm going to finish the story with the choices on separate chapters. Ra's is bae... I mean...c'mon

Also, I am more influenced to write Ra's by the B:TAS especially since his personality was presented well enough than in the game series


You just had to be stuck in this godforsaken city, especially since Strange built the damn wall around it. Arkham City, leaving no way out. You didn't deserve to be here, let alone be held in one of the detective's safe houses. You fell on the uncomfortable sofa, looking out the window at the dark sky, the city being lit by the moon, streetlights, and search lights of the airships. "I don't deserve to be here." You said once more, reminding the detective. He could've at least given you a hideout with more....luxury.

A run down apartment, the room was small, the city's power didn't work entirely so the only source of light throughout the room were lit candles. The room had a book shelf, holding dusty warm color covered books, a desk, a weak cushioned sofa, and a bed with a white mattress and a heavy comforter.

"You're safe here." He took a glance out the window before tapping away on his gadget. "Away from the criminals and away from Ra's."

"It's not your decision." You snapped at him.

"You are smart enough to know what kind of man he is. Do you really believe he's not using you? Or plans to abandon you?"

"Do you even hear yourself?!" Your voice began to raise, your fist balled and you took a breath. You stood, shaking your head, pacing back and forward as the detective simply watched you. "I'm going to him." You straightened yourself.

"And risk getting yourself hurt out there."

"Don't belittle me, Bruce." You growled at him before turning to exit the safe house, feeling his glare. You slammed the door behind you, walking down the dusty halls and out into the cold air. White crystals landing in your hair, you huffed and began walking. You knew exactly where Ra's was and you knew that the detective would as well, whether it was by following you or figuring it out himself.

It was behind Wonder City. Underground, well hidden, even if you had found it, you still needed to figure out the key to pass the gate. You ducked through the secret entrance, ducking cobwebs and covering your mouth and nose to prevent the dust from getting to you. You walked past his soldiers, you brushed off their salute until you came upon Ra's behind heavy doors, he sat on the stairs that led to his pit. Lights were dim, the Lazarus Pit crating majority light for the room. You gestured for his assassin to excuse themselves.

The tattooed assassin simply smiled at your presence. He was pale, practically sick looking.


You simply crossed your arms, not helping to hide your smile. "Hello." You greeted lightly. "Beloved," you sighed, stepping closer to sit beside him. "When shall we leave this awful city?"

"If all goes well: the Detective will kill me. Seizing my place of the League of Assassins."

"What? Yet --"

"I still wish for our day of marriage. That is if the detective does not kill me."

"Bruce doesn't kill. So the sarcasm of " going well" and you dying, remove the thought."

"Sarcasm is something a rarely use. But we can still accomplish great things together."

You smile at him. "And that is?"

His chuckle ends with him coughing, his fist tugging his chest. "Well," you rub his back. "We both see that humans have poisoned this world. We must proceed with a new."

"You can't still be thinking of... It will kill millions and you know that." You say harshly.

"I still wish the day of our marriage," he coughed. "But I will not prevent you of your independence."

"Ra's..." Both of your attention land on the heavy doors opening, entering the detective and Ra's Al Ghul's daughter, Talia. "Which is why you still have a choice to make." The detective spoke, stopping in his tracks.

[Ra's Al Ghul]

[The Batman]

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