[A or B] (Ra's Al Ghul)

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If you chose Ra's.


You shook your head and looked at you future husband. You nodded with a sure smile; regardless of what happened, you accepted it. "It is time for your final challenge, detective?" The both of you stood, you stepped away from the man, waiting for the detective's decision. "Kill me. Replace me as the Head of the Demon."

"I will never kill." His stated, earning a disbelieved look from Talia. "Not even you."

"What?" Her tone rose in anger. "You lied to me?"

"I needed a sample of your fathers blood. This was the only way."

"Allow me to help you." He drew his sword, stabbing the ground. "Take it all." Within those words, you felt best to exit the room, you knew the outcome that held. You need to get a away to think and you didn't want to be caught in the fire. It was not your place to control the destiny of the assassins. Yet as you sat outside the walls, you trembled. Your stomach ache with worry until Talia finally pushed the heavy doors open, agitation painted her.

She looked right at you, disappointed. "I do not care for who you love. But those two are quite the turmoil."

You chuckled only for it die out, everything around you felt uneven. Talia only nodded to you before going about. A moment later was the detective, catching your attention immediately. "He's fine." He assured. "You still have time to rethink your decision."

"And I will stick with him as your are stubborn." You glared at him.

"He isn't well."

"Please. Leave us." You gestured him to leave as you entered the room. Both swords tossed to the side, Ra's weakly lying on the floor, his head resting on the wall. You kneel to his side, shaking your head at various bruises, his breathing was weak yet he could still carry himself. He just needed to rest.
أنت رجل سخيف."

"Am I?" He eyed you.

"Yes. But a strong one." You held him. "We will be together, finally?"

"Till death do us part." He brought you closer.

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