Ra's Al Ghul

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Request: "Ra's Al Ghul protecting the reader from Talia. Hating the reader for being close to him and tried to kill them, but Ra's arrives in time."

A/N: late... I know. Love you


"You make him weak, you know." Talia stated, her back towards you, pouring herself a drink at the bar. Her mind occupied. She had invited you to her quarters, offering you a seat but not offering you a drink. The entire time you sat in the room, she had been slowly pacing, avoiding your gaze, keeping silent. It made you tensed, you did not know why she had randomly summoned you. You respected her strength, which is why you kept your tongue until she spoke. "The last thing the league needs is for their leader to be… compassionate."

"You say as if it's a dirty word."

"You think you are special?" She faces and steps towards you. "Thinking that because he put you in the pit once that you're one of us?"

"Watch your tone, Talia." You interrupted her, your relationship with Ra's Al Ghul was your business. Though, he was her father she still had no right.

"Watch my tone?" She growled slamming down her glass. "You watch your tone! You don't speak to me as if I were some…"

"Some what?!" You stood, you were angry, disappointed. No matter how much Ra's encouraged you to have good relations with Tali, she only you pushed away further.  Your eyes are trained on her until you looked down, how have you just now noticed the blade in her hand? You're eyes glare back up at her, how dare she? "You wouldn't dare." You bravely stepped closer to her.

Talia had turned away from you when the room's door opened, setting her blade down and not bothering to look at who entered. You look to the door, to Ra's Al Ghul. He looked between you and Talia, glancing at her blade. "Get out." He simply ordered and she obeyed before he'd raise his voice. Once the door slide shut, Ra's was immediately at your side, guiding you to sit down, to ease. "Foolish to oppose her, but very bold." He rubbed your back, your shoulders, and arms. He want you to relax, you hadn't even realized you were shaking.

"She's become... No matter how much I try..."

"I understand."

"Do you?" You snapped back him. "You're her father, you're are --"

"I am keeping her in line and I'm am keeping you safe." He held you by your arms, making sure to keep you close no matter how hard you tried to avoid his gaze. "I will protect you."

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