Poison Ivy [Being her child would include...]

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Being her child would include...

While she raised you, you weren't immune to toxins straight away:
- Ivy believed giving you the shots and medications would affect you negatively while you were still growing
- so every time you both were on the move, she had to be aware of the environment
- and boy did you get sick often
- she was constantly worried you had either been exposed to a plant or it was something you ate
- managed what you ate constantly
- her simply touching you could cause you harm at times, requiring her to wear gloves, wear clothes that prevented skin contact, or wear a plastic protection on her lips
- your chores consisted of trimming, watering, basic carrying when she was away

Tbh, she adores you:
- if she could, she'd smother you nonstop with kisses
- all she really ever wanted in life was a normal life and you're a little bit of that
- she loves reading to you
- she loves just holding you, you're her baby man, that wasn't a plant and would grow and die in a day (watch B:TAS House and Garden)
- she loves teaching you about the various types of plant life
- keeps all of the poisons and dangerous plants locked up in a separate area of her greenhouse/home
- able to call her mother, Pam (or Pamela), or Ivy
- she'd either call you by name or various cute plant names;
- especially when you were little she called you (Rosa) nitida, mochata, or kordesii

As far as education goes:
- you're homeschooled
- majority she didn't really trust the school teaching you, believing it will make you weak minded and weak when it came to not choosing plants over humans
- you had to be at par with your studies, especially when it came to math and science
- she would understand if you got stuck with something and take it slow
- also wants you to problem solve
- learned different languages
- kinda strict

When you got older:
- you got a better understanding on why you both were on the move often
- there were times where you did help her in her schemes; rob a labs toxins, plant particular seeds at a gala or event, distract to help her get away
- regardless of what you thought of her schemes, you loved her. She was your mother
- she also gave you shots and medication that helped you become immune to toxins and certain plants
- she was so happy to be able to hold you without hurting you

When it came to her in Arkham and Batman:
- the first time you saw her being taken away by the Bat, you were crying, grabbing him by the cape, hitting him, trying to get him to let her go
- this was when you discovered you had growing power like Ivy
- it started off with the plants shaking to actually being able to grab the Bat with the vines

- for a few days, Ivy clung to you, she was so proud and happy that you were like her
- she trained you and helped you focus your energy, you weren't use to it so you kinda past out after a bit of training, kinda upset a impatient Ivy

- sooner than later, Batman came and got you both, taking Ivy to Arkham and you to an adoption home
- it got some use to, getting a warning from the Bat after he gave you a small plant in hopes you use your powers for good

- you got to visit Ivy a lot, it was one of the few good things that Pamela had

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